Abstract | Cilj istraživanja ovog diplomskog rada bio je proučiti koliko učenici poznaju sebe i druge, te kako likovnim izražavanjem mogu međusobno graditi odnose. Istraživanje je provedeno u sedmom razredu (13-14 godina), a tema kojom su se bavili bila je portret. Tema portreta je odabrana jer služi kao sredstvo pomoću kojeg se istražuje i oblikuje identitet. Isto tako pomaže učenicima razumjeti i cijeniti sličnosti i razlike među ljudima. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom triju povezana blok – sata. Učenici su dobili pitanja koja su vezana uz karakter i osobnost. Pitanja su razmijenili s prijateljem iz klupe te su na temelju odgovora izvršili likovni zadatak, odnosno prikazali portret prijatelja. Neka od pitanja su se ponavljala tijekom svih triju etapa istraživanja, a neka pitanja su bila nadodana i oblikovana kako bi se dobili dublji odgovori i kako bi se mogli uspoređivati rezultati nakon svakog sata. Na prvome blok - satu započeto je istraživanje, učenici su se prvi put susreli sa pitanjima koja su sami odgovorili te su zamijenili papire sa svojim kolegom. Na temelju tih odgovora tehnikom tuša su crtali portret. Na drugome je blok satu proveden isti princip, a učenici su portrete slikali tehnikom tempere. Na trećem blok satu, učenici su istim principom slikali unutarnji svijet svog prijatelja. Koristili su se dvjema tehnikama: tušem i temperom, kako bi iskoristili drugačije izražajne mogućnosti koje one nude. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako bavljenje ovom temom potiče propitivanje odnosa među učenicima, te otkrivanje novih stvari o sebi i o osobi koju su portretirali. Također, istraživanje je potaknulo poboljšanje odnosa među učenicima što pozitivno utječe na razvoj socijalnog aspekta ličnosti. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of the research of this thesis was to study how well students know themselves and others, and how they can build relationships with each other through artistic expression. The research was conducted in the seventh grade (ages 13-14), and the topic they dealt with was portraiture. The subject of the portrait was chosen because it serves as a means by which identity is explored and shaped. It also helps students understand and appreciate the similarities and differences between people. The research was conducted during three connected block hours. Students were given questions related to character and personality. They exchanged questions with a friend from the bench and, based on the answers, completed an art task, i.e. presented a portrait of their friend. Some of the questions were repeated during all three stages of the research, and some questions were added and shaped in order to get deeper answers and to be able to compare the results after each lesson. In the first block lesson, the research was started, the students met for the first time with questions that they answered themselves, and they exchanged papers with their colleagues. Based on these answers, they drew a portrait using the douche technique. In the second block lesson, the same principle was implemented, and the students painted portraits using the tempera technique. In the third block lesson, students used the same principle to paint the inner world of their friend. They used two techniques: ink and tempera, in order to take advantage of the different expressive possibilities they offer. Research has shown that dealing with this topic encourages questioning of relationships between students, and the discovery of new things about themselves and the person they portrayed. Also, the research encouraged the improvement of relations between students, which has a positive effect on the development of the social aspect of personality. |