Author Ivan Čop
Mentor Daniela Malnar (mentor)
Committee member Iva Rinčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Bošković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniela Malnar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Physiotherapy) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2020-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences Anatomy
Abstract Posao pilanskog radnika zahtjevan je i fizički naporan posao. LBS ili lumbalni bolni sindrom jedan je od najčešćih stanja kod radnika koji su često fizički opterećeni. Kraljeţnica je okruţena raznim vrstama tkiva koje je tokom napora podloţno ozljedama koje dovode do LBS-a. Cilj rada otkriti pojavnost boli u predjelu donjeg dijela kraljeţnice, te u kojoj mjeri utječe na kvalitetu ţivota pilanskih radnika.
Kraljeţnica se sastoji od 33-34 kralješka. Sedam vratnih, dvanaest prsnih, pet slabinskih, pet meĎusobno sraslih kraljeţaka u krstačnu kost i trtične kosti. Oni su okruţeni ligamentarnim aparatom i autohtonom muskulaturom leĎa.
Lumbalni bolni sindrom uključuje bol u donjem dijelu leĎa. Postoji više uzroka koji mogu biti mehaničke ili neurološke podloge. Najčešći biomehanički uzroci su kompresija, savijanje i rotacija kraljeţnice. Dijeli se na akutnu , subakutnu i kroničnu po trajanju, a specifičnu i nespecifičnu po uzroku.. Jedno je od najčešće prisutnih oboljenja lokomotornog aparata, sa čak i do 2.5 milijuna slučajeva godišnje u SAD-u.
Neki od kliničkih testova za pronalazak uzroka boli u donjem dijelu leĎa su: Thompsonov test, tap test spinalnih nastavaka, Psoas test, Lasegueov test, test ekstenzije lumbalne kraljeţnice, test hiperekstenzije i potpomognuti test prednjeg saginjanja.
40 ispitanika (20 muškaraca; 20 ţena) pristupilo je ispunjavanju Rolland Morris upitnika i upitnika za odreĎivajne Oswestry indeksa. Upitnici ispituju bolnosti funkcionalna ograničenja zbog bolova u kraljeţnici. Postavljene su dvije hipoteze te je prva hipoteza potvrĎena, dok je druga odbačena.. Muškarci imaju manju bolnost, dok su funkcionalne sposobnosti u jednakoj mjeri manifestirane zbog oštećenja tj. ne postoji statistički značajna razlika. Potrebna su daljnja istraţivanja na većim uzorcima. Edukacija radnika zauzima bitnu ulogu kod prevencije stanja i smanjenja postojećih simptoma.
Abstract (english) Lumbermill worker has extremely demandning and physically tiring job. Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most represented conditions in this kind of job. Spine is sorrounded by all kinds of tissues that can be injured during work. Goal of this study is to reveal incidence of back pain and compare it between males and females. Also, goal is to determine which rate of functional impairement is present.
Spine has 33-34 vertebraes. Seven cervical, twelwe thoracic, 5 lumbal, 5 sacral and os coccigys. They are sorrounded by ligaments and muscles.
LBP involves pain in lower parts of the spine. Causes can be plenty, but mostly there are mechanical and neurological causes. Most frequent biomechanical causes are compression, bending and rotation of the spine. It can be acute, subacute and chronic by duration and specific and unspecific by cause. Most often condition that involves locomotory system, with over 2.5 million cases in USA per year.
Some of clinical tests for lower back pain are: Thompson test, tap test of spinal processus, Psoas test, Lasegue test, test of extension of lumbar spine, test of hiperextension and supported test od forward bending.
40 workers (20 male; 20 female) had fulfilled Rolland Morris questionnaire and Oswestry index questionnaire. Questionnaires are trying to test amount of back pain and functional impairments that go with LBP. There are two hipothesis. First one is confirmed as true, while the other is confirmed false. Men have lesser amount of pain, while there are no statistically meaningful difference between two genders regarding functional impairments. Further testings and research are necessary on larger samples. Worker's education is extremely relevant for prevention and reducing existing symptoms.
pilanski radnik
bol u kralježnici
kvaliteta života
Keywords (english)
lumbermill worker
low back pain
quality of life
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:917059
Study programme Title: Graduate university study of Physiotherapy (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra fizioterapije (magistar/magistra fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-11-11 14:10:45