Title Određivanje točnosti iskolčenja detaljnih točaka polarnom metodom
Title (english) Determining the polar method stakeout accuracy of detail points
Author Daniel Štefulić
Mentor Đuro Barković (mentor) MBZ: 160935
Mentor Sergej Baričević (komentor) MBZ: 355776
Mentor Ivan Ljubičić (pomoć pri izradi, neposredni voditelj) MBZ: 401281
Committee member Đuro Barković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Zrinjski (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sergej Baričević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Geodesy (Institute for Applied Geodesy) (Chair of Surveying) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Geodesy Applied Geodesy
Abstract U ovom diplomskom radu provedeno je određivanje točnosti iskolčenja detaljnih točaka primjenom polarne metode. Na terenu se primjenjuje metoda zatvaranja geodetskog četverokuta te određivanje položaja detaljnih točaka metodom presjeka naprijed (vanjskih orijentiranih pravaca). Ta usporedba bila je provedena na Savskom nasipu u području Prisavlja. Za početak bilo je potrebno obaviti rekognosciranje terena radi pronalaženja postojećih trajno stabiliziranih geodetskih točaka te odabrati najpovoljniji položaj za novu geodetsku točku. Potom je trebalo utvrditi plan mjerenja na temelju kojeg bi se obavila terenska izmjera. U sklopu terenske izmjere ulazi uspostava referentne mreže u obliku geodetskog četverokuta, sa kojih se mjere pravci i duljine. Podaci izmjere referentne mreže se prvo približno izjednače, a onda se primjenom metode najmanjih kvadrata provede stroga izjednačenja. Ta se izjednačenja provode u programu Microsoft Office Excel primjenom algoritma singularnih izjednačenja posrednih mjerenja. Zatim se sa geodetskih točaka referentne mreže provodi iskolčenje detaljnih točaka na terenu te se sa svakog stajališta utvrđuje njihov položaj primjenom metode presjeka naprijed. Za izmjeru je korištena mjerna stanica Leica TC 2003, četiri stativa, četiri podnožne ploče i tri prizme. Radi potrebe provedene terenske izmjere, slijedila je računska obrada prikupljenih podataka mjerenja u programu Microsoft Office Excel. Prvo su bila provedena približna izjednačenja podataka, potom su se, algoritmom regularnih izjednačenja posrednih mjerenja, provela stroga izjednačenja. Time su određene najvjerojatnije vrijednosti nepoznanica (koordinate detaljnih točaka) i mjerenja (pravci i duljine) s pripadajućim ocjenama točnosti.
Abstract (english) In this diploma thesis determining the stakeout accuracy of position points using the polar method was done. On the field is used the method of closing the geodetic quadrangle and defining the position of detail points using the method of forward intersection (externally oriented directions). That comparison was done on Sava enbankment in Prisavlje area. First it was necessary to reconnoiter the field in order to find previously existing permanently stabilized geodetic points and then choose the most favorable position for the new geodetic point. Then it was necessary to determine the measurement plan for which the field survey would be conducted. Within the field survey comes the establishment of the referent network shaped like a geodetic quadrangle, from which directions and lengths are measured. The data of measuring the referent network are initially equalized approximately, then, using the method of least squares, the strict equalizations are conducted. Those equalizations are done in the program Microsoft Office Excel using the algorithm of singular equalization of indirect measurements. After that, from the geodetic points of referent network, stakeout of detailed points is performed on the field and then their positions, from each standing point, are being determined using the method of forward intersection. For measuring purposes was used measuring station Leica TC 2003, four tripods, four base plates and three prisms. For the needs of conducted field survey, computer processing of gathered measuring data followed in the program Microsoft Office Excel. First the approximate equalizations of data was conducted, then, using the algorithm of regular equalizations of indirect measurements, the strict equalizations was performed. Based on the equalizations, the most probable values of unknowns (coordinates of detailed points) and measurements (directions and lengths) with the corresponding estimates of accuracy were determined.
geodetska točka
geodetska mreža
presjek naprijed
metoda najmanjih kvadrata
Keywords (english)
geodetic point
geodetic network
forward intersection
method of least squares
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:256:076107
Study programme Title: Geodesy and Geoinformatics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka geodezije i geoinformatike (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka geodezije i geoinformatike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-09-16 15:00:30