Title Socijalno i karitativno djelovanje Alojzija Stepinca od 1931. do 1941. godine
Title (english) Social and charitable activities of Aloysius Stepinac from 1931. to 1941.
Author Karlo Rapljan
Mentor Daniel Patafta (mentor)
Committee member Nikola Vranješ (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniel Patafta (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mislav Kutleša (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Catholic Faculty of Theology (Department of Church History) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Theology History of the Church
Abstract Alojzije Stepinac, čovjek iznimne duhovne snage i predanosti, ističe se kao najznačajniji vjerski vođa Hrvatske u 20. stoljeću.
Njegov život i djelovanje obilježeni su dubokom vjerom, moralnom čvrstoćom i hrabrošću u suočavanju s izazovima turbulentnog povijesnog razdoblja. Zahvaljujući njegovom razumijevanju složenih društvenih i crkvenih prilika, postao je prepoznat kao zagovaratelj vjerskih istina i temeljnih ljudskih vrijednosti.
Jedan od prvih znakova njegove pronicljivosti i iznimnog osjećaja za potrebe ljudi bio je osnivanje Caritasa Zagrebačke nadbiskupije. Ova humanitarna organizacija postala je važan oslonac za mnoge ljude u potrebi, pružajući im ne samo materijalnu pomoć već i duhovnu podršku. Stepinac je među vjernicima promicao slogu i zajedništvo. Bio je neumoran u uređenju odnosa unutar Katoličke akcije, radeći naporno kako bi osigurao sklad i zajednički rad svih članova. Svoju želju za postizanjem zajedništva nastojao ostvariti je organizirajući sastanke, savjetovanja i duhovne vježbe za članova Katoličke akcije. Njegova predanost euharistiji odražavala se u sudjelovanju i vođenju brojnih euharistijskih kongresa. Svjestan snage euharistije, poticao je vjernike da sudjeluju u ovim događajima koji su bili prilika za duboko duhovno iskustvo, ali i platforma za educiranje o važnosti euharistije. Kroz sudjelovanje na četiri socijalna tjedna, Stepinac je nastojao mobilizirati katoličku zajednicu kako bi se suočila s izazovima svog vremena. Njegova vizija pravednijeg i humanijeg društva nastavila je inspirirati buduće generacije katoličkih vođa i aktivista u Hrvatskoj. Jedna od najznačajnijih inicijativa koju je Stepinac proveo bilo je osnivanje čak 14 novih župa. Ova odluka bila je od iznimne važnosti za podizanje kvalitete pastoralne infrastrukture Zagrebačke nadbiskupije, istodobno jačajući vezu između Crkve i zajednice. Nove župe omogućile su sveobuhvatniju duhovnu skrb za sve vjernike. Stepinac neprestano je poticao laike da se uključe u djelovanje Crkve, vjerujući da svatko treba doprinijeti svojim talentima i sposobnostima.
Alojzije Stepinac bio je ne samo duhovni vođa već i vizionar koji je svojim radom i zalaganjem postavio temelje za budućnost Crkve u Hrvatskoj. Njegova posvećenost, hrabrost i predanost službi ostavili su neizbrisiv trag u hrvatskoj povijesti, a njegova vizija socijalne pravde i duhovne obnove i danas inspirira mnoge.
Abstract (english) Alojzije Stepinac, a man of exceptional spiritual strength and dedication, stands out as the most important religious leader of Croatia in the 20th century. His life and actions are marked by deep faith, moral fortitude and courage in facing the challenges of a turbulent historical period. Thanks to his understanding of complex social and church situations, he became recognized as an advocate of religious truths and fundamental human values.
One of the first signs of his insight and exceptional feeling for people's needs was the establishment of Caritas of the Zagreb Archdiocese. This humanitarian organization has become an important support for many people in need, providing them not only with material help, but also with spiritual support. Stepinac promoted harmony and unity among the faithful. He was tireless in arranging relations within the Catholic Action, working hard to ensure harmony and cooperation among all members. He tried to achieve his desire to reach unity by organizing meetings, consultations and spiritual exercises for members of the Catholic Action. His commitment to the Eucharist was reflected in his participation in and leadership of numerous Eucharistic congresses. Considering that he was aware of the power of the Eucharist, he encouraged the faithful people to participate in these events, which were an opportunity for a deep spiritual experience, but also a platform for education about the importance of the Eucharist. Through participation in four social weeks, Stepinac tried to mobilize the Catholic community to face the challenges of its time. His vision of a more just and humane society continued to inspire future generations of Catholic leaders and activists in Croatia. One of the most significant initiatives carried out by Stepinac was the establishment of 14 new parishes. This decision was extremely important for raising the quality of the pastoral infrastructure of the Zagreb Archdiocese, while at the same time strengthening the bond between the Church and the community. The new parishes enabled more comprehensive spiritual care for all believers. Stepinac constantly encouraged lay people to get involved in the activities of the Church, believing that everyone should contribute with their talents and abilities.
Alojzije Stepinac was not only a spiritual leader but also a visionary who laid the foundations for the future of the Church in Croatia with his work and commitment. His dedication, courage and devotion to service left an indelible mark in Croatian history, and his vision of social justice and spiritual renewal still inspires many today.
Alojzije Stepinac
Zagrebačka nadbiskupija
Katolička akcija
Euharistijski kongres
Keywords (english)
Alojzije Stepinac
Zagreb Archdiocese
Catholic Action
Eucharistic Congress
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:222:491514
Study programme Title: Philosophical-Theological Studies Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra teologije (magistar/ magistra teologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-10-28 11:30:24