Title Razvoj ronilice na daljinsko upravljanje
Title (english) Development of remotely operated underwater vehicle
Author Bruno Stanić
Mentor Ervin Kamenar (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Mrakovčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ervin Kamenar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zoran Čarija (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering (Department of Mechanical Engineering Design) (Section of Construction and Precision Engineering) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-05-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering General Mechanical Engineering (Construction)
Abstract Bespilotne podvodne ronilice najbrže su razvijajuća tehnologija mapiranja podmorja. Ronilica je manje plovilo namijenjeno kretanju pod vodom ograničene autonomije od nekoliko sati do najviše jednog dana, obično uz potporu nekog površinskog plovila.
Prije početka konceptualizacije ronilice istražena su postojeća rješenja. Primijećeno je da na tržištu nema ronilica koje imaju bežično upravljanje na velike udaljenosti što je poslužilo kao poticaj za izradu upravo takve ronilice. Ronilica je morala zadovoljavati uvjete upravljanja na velike udaljenosti i radnu dubinu od 50 metara, kao i mogućnost izrade prototipa na ekonomičan način.
Komunikacija s ronilicom odvija se putem Internet prijamnika, što je najekonomičnije rješenje koje zadovoljava uvjete. Za kontrolu dubine koristi se motorizirano vitlo, koje se nalazi na plovku zbog pouzdanosti i jednostavnije konstrukcije ronilice. Za pokretače su odabrani motori bez četkica uronjeni u vodu. Oblik ronilice određen je potrebom za postojanjem dvije suhe komore i zahtjevom za pozicioniranjem kamere tako da može snimati. Komore su postavljene u „T“ konfiguraciji i okružene su oklopom, na koji su montirani motori i pričvršćen kabel s vitlom.
Prije izrade ronilice potrebno je bilo odabrati i nabaviti elektroničke komponente. Elektroničke komponente odabrane su na način da zadovoljavaju postavljane zahtjeve te da su u prihvatljivom cjenovnom rangu. Konstruiranje ronilice je podijeljeno na nekoliko pod sklopova, a to su: komora s kamerom, glavna komora, vanjski oklop i motori. Nakon izrade svih dijelova ronilica je sastavljana i testirana. Eksperimentalnim testiranjem dokazana je inicijalno planirana funkcionalnost ronilice te su identificirani problemi kao što su popuštanje vitla i propuštanje vode u suhu komoru.
Abstract (english) Remotely operated underwater vehicles or ROUVs are the fastest developing underwater mapping technology. ROUVs are small vessels designed to move underwater with limited autonomy of a few hours, up to one day, usually supported by surface vessel.
Before defining concepts used with the submersible, existing solutions were investigated. It was noticed that there were no ROUVs on the market that have wireless control over long distances, which was an incentive to create one. The developed submersible had to meet the conditions of long-distance control and a working depth of 50 meters, additionally it was also important to be able to economically build a prototype.
Communication with the submersible is conducted via an Internet modem because it is the cheapest solution that fulfills all constraints. A motorized winch, located on the float, was chosen for depth control due to its reliability and simpler construction of the submersible. Brushless motors immersed in water were selected as main source of propulsion. The shape of designed ROUV is determined by the need to have two dry chambers and the requirement to position the camera so that it can record. The chambers are placed in a "T" configuration and surrounded by casing, on which the motors are mounted, and the winch cable is attached.
Before building the submersible, it was necessary to select and purchase electronic components. The electronic components were selected in such a way that they meet the set requirements and are in an acceptable price range. The construction of the diver is divided into several sub-assemblies, namely: chamber with camera, main chamber, outer casing, and engines. After building all sub-assemblies, the submersible was assembled and tested. Testing of ROUV proved initially planned functionality of submersible, and problems like winch slipping and water leaking were identified.
bežično upravljana ronilica
konstrukcija i eksperimentalno testiranje podvodnog plovila
Keywords (english)
remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROUV)
design and experimental testing of submersible
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:235458
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-05-14 08:42:08