Title Utjecaj medija na dječje likovno stvaralaštvo
Title (english) The influence of media on childrens capabilities of creating art
Author Laura Pavlić
Mentor Morana Varović Čekolj (mentor)
Committee member Antonija Balić-Šimrak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Višnja Rajić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Morana Varović Čekolj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Developmental Psychology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Film Art (Film, Electronic and Media Art of Moving Pictures)
Abstract U životima djece predškolske dobi prisutni su razni mediji kao što su: mobiteli, televizija, tableti... Gotovo od rođenja u suvremenom društvu, djeca se susreću s medijima. U djetetovim prvim godinama života mediji nisu potrebni za kvalitetan rast i razvoj. Međutim, djeca jako vole televizijske programe namijenjene njima, videoigre te druge medijske sadržaje. Zato je odgovornost na odraslima da kontroliraju dječju konzumaciju medija, primijenjenost medija dječjem uzrastu te da vlastitim primjerom oblikuju dječje navike korištenja medija. Što je dijete mlađe njegova izloženost medijima trebala bi biti kraća, djetetu smislenija i smirenija ili, najbolja, nepostojeća. Prve dvije godine djetetova života kritične su za razvoj mozga te je iznimno važno da dijete do šeste godine što više uči kroz vlastitu aktivnost.
Razvoj djetetova mozga usko je povezan s motoričkim razvojem što podrazumijeva sposobnost korištenja djetetova vlastitog tijela, baratanje pokretima i korištenjem pokreta za postizanje nekog cilja. Za razvoj likovnih sposobnosti kod djece uvjet je fina motorika.
U novijem vremenu, ulogu trenera razvoja fine motorike preuzela je i ICT tehnologija, korištenje mobitela, tableta i ostale moderne tehnologije. Djetetova sposobnost likovnog izražavanja urođena je te se dijete samo od sebe spontano počinje izražavati. Kroz rast i razvoj očekuje se da dijete prolazi kroz četiri razvojne faze likovnog izražavanja.
Kada se govori o medijskom utjecaju na djecu, najčešće se misli o lošim i negativnim utjecajima kao što su preopterećenost i velika izloženost djece šablonama, serviranje djeci ono što sami požele čime nemaju potrebu kreirati vlastite ideje te postaju stvaralački pasivna.
No, nemaju mediji samo negativne karakteristike. Nalazimo, ipak, i one pozitivne: utjecaj na djetetov likovni izražaj u sociokulturnom, multimedijalnom i multikulturalnom kontekstu. Djeci je pružena mogućnost korištenja više od jednostavnog načina crtanja kroz integriranje pisanog teksta, umetanje snimljenih zvukova i govora, te umetanje fotografija i video isječaka u djetetov rad. Takav način izražavanja proširio je granice tradicionalnog crtanja.
Abstract (english) Various media are present in the lives of preschool children, such as: mobile phones, television, tablets... Almost from birth in modern society, children encounter the media. In the child's first years of life, the media is not necessary for quality growth and development. However, children really like television programs aimed at them, video games and other media content. That is why it is the responsibility of adults to control children's media consumption, the application of media to children's age, and to shape children's media usage habits by their own example. The younger the child, his exposure to the media should be shorter, more meaningful and calmer for the child or, at best, non-existent. The first two years of a child's life are critical for the development of the brain, and it is extremely important that the child learns as much as possible through his own activities until the age of six.
The development of the child's brain is closely related to motor development, which implies the ability to use the child's own body, handling movements and using movements to achieve a goal. Fine motor skills are a prerequisite for the development of artistic abilities in children.
In recent times, ICT technology, the use of mobile phones, tablets and other modern technologies have also taken over the role of fine motor skills development coach. The child's ability to express himself in art is innate and the child begins to express himself spontaneously. Through growth and development, the child is expected to go through four developmental stages of artistic expression. When we talk about the influence of the media on children, we usually think of bad and negative influences such as overloading and high exposure of children to templates, serving children what they want so that they do not have the need to create their own ideas and become creatively passive.
However, the media do not have only negative characteristics. However, we also find positive ones: the influence on the child's artistic expression in a sociocultural, multimedia and multicultural context. Children are given the opportunity to use more than a simple drawing method by integrating written text, inserting recorded sounds and speech, and inserting photos and video clips into the child's work. Such a way of expression expanded the boundaries of traditional drawing.
fina motorika
likovni izražaj
medijski utjecaj
Keywords (english)
fine motor skills
artistic expression
media influence
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:963700
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-27 09:20:38