Title Likovno stvaralaštvo djece potaknuto stvaralaštvom Gustava Klimta
Title (english) Children's artistic creativity inspired by the work of Gustav Klimt
Author Maja Ištvanić
Mentor Antonija Balić-Šimrak (mentor)
Committee member Morana Varović Čekolj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Višnja Rajić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Antonija Balić-Šimrak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Specific Pedagogy
Abstract Svrha secesije bila je pružiti priliku svakoj osobi da percipira djelo kako njemu odgovara, u skladu s njegovom prirodom življenja i prihvaćanja svijeta oko sebe. Poticala je svakoga na slobodu izražavanja svojih misli i osjećaja. Upravo je ta sloboda bila velika motivacija i inspiracija pojedincima u stvaranju svojih velikih umijeća. Brojni su se susreli s kritikama tadašnjeg društva, ali usprkos valovima neshvaćanja, njihova djela danas žive i bude nove umjetnike. Najistaknutiji umjetnik toga doba bio je Gustav Klimt. Rođen je 14. srpnja 1862. Sa 14 godina dobio je državnu stipendiju za studiranje u Bečkoj umjetničkoj školi. U Visokoj školi za umjetnost i obrt pokazao je svoju darovitost koja mu je omogućila prve narudžbe za ukrašavanje velikih javnih zgrada koje su se gradile tijekom 1880-ih i 1890-ih godina. Njegove dekoracije izazvale su oštre kritike konzervativnog Beča, ali je on slikanjem veličanstvenih portreta žena iz otmjenog društva mogao dovoljno ugodno živjeti, oslobođen narudžbi. Klimt nije bio buntovnik. Klonio se javnosti, a privatni život držao je za sebe. Iz njegovih slika zrcali se unutarnji svijet i ljepota puna senzualnosti. Unatoč preprekama društva, dopustio je svijetu da upozna njegov unutarnji svijet. Poput svakog umjetnika i on je tragao za sredstvom izražavanja. Koristio je razne geometrijske oblike i razne boje, najviše zlatnu, kako bi svoje misli, osjećaje i svijet koji je oslikavao pretočio u stvarnost i dočarao ih publici. Svatko od nas je poput umjetnika čija djela danas gledamo. Umjetnik s vlastitim izričajem.
Dijete dolaskom na svijet neprestano istražuje, isprobava i kroz interakciju s okolinom ono uči i pronalazi alate vlastitog stvaralaštva. Upoznavajući ga s ranim djelima i likovnim alatima, dijete razvija kritičko mišljenje što ima višestruko značenje za njegov psihički razvoj. Dijete stvara kreativan odnos u interakciji s okolinom. Tada okolinu mijenja u skladu s osobnim rastom i razvojem.
Abstract (english) The purpose of secession was to provide an opportunity for each person to perceive the work as he sees fit, in accordance with his nature of living and accepting the world around him. She encouraged everyone to express their thoughts and feelings freely. It was this freedom that was a great motivation and inspiration to individuals in creating their great skills. Many have met with criticism from the society of the time, but despite waves of misunderstanding, their works live on today and awaken new artists. The most prominent artist of the time was Gustav Klimt. He was born on July 14, 1862. At the age of 14 he received a state scholarship to study at the Vienna School of the Arts. At the College of Arts and Crafts he demonstrated his talent which enabled him to make the first orders to decorate large public buildings that were built during the 1880s and 1890s. His decorations provoked harsh criticism from conservative Vienna, but he was able to live comfortably enough, free of orders, by painting magnificent portraits of women from posh society. Klimt was not a rebel. He shunned the public and kept his private life to himself. His paintings reflect the inner world and beauty full of sensuality. Despite the obstacles of society, he allowed the world to get to know his inner world. Like any artist, he sought a means of expression. He used various geometric shapes and various colors, mostly gold, to turn his thoughts, feelings and the world he painted into reality and convey them to the audience. Each of us is like the artist whose works we see today. An artist with his own expression.
When a child is born, he constantly explores, tries and through interaction with the environment he learns and finds the tools of his own creativity. By introducing him to early works and art tools, the child develops critical thinking which has multiple meanings for his mental development. The child creates a creative relationship in interaction with the environment. Then the environment changes according to personal growth and development.
unutarnji svijet
Keywords (english)
inner world
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:821398
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-27 09:54:37