Title Incidencija humane fiksacije pri općoj bolnici "Dr. Anđelko Višić Bjelovar"
Title (english) The incidence of humane fixation at the GH "Dr. Anđelko Višić Bjelovar"
Author Igor Gazić
Mentor Marijana Neuberg (mentor)
Committee member Irena Canjuga (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sonja Obranić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2024-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Mjere prisile obuhvaćaju niz postupaka kojima se želi prevenirati i spriječiti
ponašanje bolesnika koje je potencijalno opasno za bolesnika samog ili za osobe
u bolesnikovoj okolini. Provodi se primjenom lijekova, remena, stezulja i
humanom sekluzijom bolesnika s sprječavanja nastavka agresivnog ponašanja
bolesnika kako bi se moglo pristupiti metodama liječenja bolesnika. Odluku o
mjerama donosi liječnik psihijatar, a medicinska sestra/tehničar je aktivni član tima
koji provodi sve intervencije u skladu s etičkim načelima i kompetencijama.
Istraživanje je provedeno na odjelu psihijatrije „Opće bolnice dr. Anđelko
Višić Bjelovar“ prikupljanjem podataka sa sestrinskih i liječničkih protokola kod
primjena mjera prisile prema osobama s težim duševnim smetnjama na uzorku od
197 bolesnika. Podaci su prikupljeni za razdoblje od 2018.-2024. godine. Za
provedbu istraživanja prethodno je dobivena suglasnost Etičkog povjerenstva
bolnice za provedbu istraživanja. U istraživanju je bilo statistički značajno više
osoba muškog spola 79,7%. Mjere su se provodile statistički značajno više kod
akutno intoksiciranih bolesnika i kod bolesnika s nepredvidivim ponašanjem (χ2
test; p < 0,001), a kod statistički značajno više bolesnika (χ2 test; p < 0,001), njih
51,3% prije mehaničkog i fizičkog sputavanja provodila se medikacija. U 80,7%
slučajeva mjere su provodile dvije medicinske sestre/tehničara srednje stručne
spreme. Sputavanje se statistički značajno više provodilo u noćnoj smjeni, kod
87,3% slučajeva, provodile su ga u 100% slučajeva medicinske sestre/tehničari
srednje stručne spreme i trajalo je duže vremenski nego sputavanje provedeno u
jutarnjoj smjeni s većim brojem osoblja i medicinskom sestro/tehničarom više ili
visoke stručne spreme u timu.
Prema rezultatima istraživanja može se zaključiti kako su mjere prisile
provedene najčešće kod akutno intoksiciranih bolesnika i bolesnika s visokim
rizikom za samoozljeđivanje. Mjere su češće provedene tijekom noćne smjene
kada je u smjeni bilo dvoje medicinskih sestara/tehničara srednje stručne spreme,
kako su mjere prisile tijekom noćnih smjena trajale duže nego tijekom dnevnih
smjena kada je na odjelu bilo više osoblja i kada je u timu bila medicinska
sestra/tehničar više ili visoke stručne spreme.
Abstract (english) Coercive measures include a series of procedures aimed at preventing and
preventing patient behavior that is potentially dangerous for the patient himself or
for people in the patient's environment. It is carried out by the application of drugs,
belts, clamps and humane seclusion of the patient to prevent the continuation of
the patient's aggressive behavior in order to be able to access the patient's
treatment methods. The decision on the measures is taken by the psychiatrist, and
the nurse/technician is an active member of the team that implements all
interventions in accordance with ethical principles and competencies.
The research was conducted at the psychiatry department of "General
Hospital Dr. Anđelko Višić Bjelovar" by collecting data from nursing and medical
protocols in the application of coercive measures to persons with severe mental
disorders on a sample of 197 patients. The data was collected for the period from
2018-2024. year. For the implementation of the research, the consent of the Ethics
Committee of the hospital for the implementation of the research was previously
obtained. In the research, there was a statistically significant majority of men,
79.7%. Measures were carried out statistically significantly more in acutely
intoxicated patients and in patients with unpredictable behavior (χ2 test; p <
0.001), and in statistically significantly more patients (χ2 test; p < 0.001), 51.3% of
them before mechanical and physical medication was used to prevent restraints.
In 80.7% of cases, the measures were carried out by two nurses/technicians with
secondary vocational education. Restraint was carried out statistically significantly
more in the night shift, in 87.3% of cases, it was carried out in 100% of cases by
nurses/technicians with secondary education and lasted longer than restraints
carried out in the morning shift with a larger number of staff and nurses/ a
technician with a higher or higher vocational education in the team.
According to the research results, it can be concluded that coercive
measures were carried out most often in acutely intoxicated patients and patients
with a high risk of self-harm. The measures were carried out more often during the
night shift when there were two nurses/technicians with a secondary education in
the shift, as coercive measures during the night shifts lasted longer than during the day shifts when there were more staff on the ward and when the team included a
nurse/ technician with higher or higher education.
medicinska sestra
mjere prisile
Keywords (english)
coercive measures
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:635465
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar/magistra sestrinstva (sveučilišni magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-10-14 10:45:04