@mastersthesis{agr:1084, author = {{Devčić, Dorotea}}, title = {{Analiza povećanja učinkovitosti sustava navodnjavanja Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek u kontekstu korištenja voda}}, } @article{gfos:1003, author = {{Lončar, Goran and Šreng, Željko and Bekić, Damir and Kunštek, Duška}}, title = {{Hydraulic-Hydrology Analysis of the Turbulent Seepage Flow within Karst Aquifer of the Golubinka Spring Catchment}}, } @article{grad:2789, author = {{Lončar, Goran and Šreng, Željko and Bekić, Damir and Kunštek, Duška}}, title = {{Hydraulic-Hydrology Analysis of the Turbulent Seepage Flow within Karst Aquifer of the Golubinka Spring Catchment}}, } @article{grad:2302, author = {{Potočki, Kristina and Gilja, Gordon and Kunštek, Duška}}, title = {{An overview of the applications of wavelet transform for discharge and suspended sediment analysis}}, } @article{grad:1749, author = {{Šamanović, Sanja and Medak, Damir and Kunštek, Duška}}, title = {{Utjecaj algoritama za uklanjanje depresija na simulaciju površinskog otjecanja}}, } @article{grad:1861, author = {{Pršić, Marko and Ocvirk, Eva and Kunštek, Duška}}, title = {{Metodologija ocjene stanja kamene zaštite lukobrana}}, }