pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn ffzg:10298 thesis "Different Faces of Dystopia in Nineteen Eighty-Four, Ready Player One, Lord of the Flies, and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" "Polčić, Robert" ffzg:9846 thesis "Female Work Ethic in Louisa May Alcott's Little Women, Jo's Boys and An Old-Fashioned Girl" "Ledinski, Maja" ffzg:9545 thesis "Textual Conventions and the Encoded Reader in J. R. R. Tolkien's Translation of Beowulf" "Lipej, Ivana" ffzg:9278 thesis "Cyberpunk and Transhumanist Ideas in Phillip K. Dick’s ""Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"", Ridley Scott’s ""Blade Runner"" and Denis Villeneuve’s ""Blade Runner 2049""" "Srpak, Marko" ffzg:9213 thesis "Fantastični motivi u nastavi: Analiza fantastičnih motiva u kombiniranoj nastavi engleskog i njemačkog jezika na temelju Tolkienovog Hobita i Hoffmannovih Pustolovina u novogodišnjoj noći" "Lulić, Ana" ffzg:8920 thesis "Cultural Practices and Africanfuturism in Nnedi Okorafor’s Binti Trilogy" "Jobe, Abdoulie" ffzg:7483 thesis "Utopian dream of dystopia in Brave New Word and Nineteen Eighty-four" "Harašić, Anita" ffzg:7500 thesis "Postcolonial Ecocriticism and the Post-Darwinian Animal Fable: Only the Animals by Ceridwen Dovey" "Savić, Julija" ffzg:7516 thesis "Women are just planets that attract the wrong species: An Exploration of Feminist Issues through Dystopia in Jeanette Winterson s The Stone Gods" "Podnar, Petra Antonia" ffzg:7481 thesis "Representations of the French Revolution in Gunpowder Fantasy" "Miočević, Petar" ffzg:7159 thesis "Neil Gaiman’s Subversive Fairy Tale Revisions - “Snow, Glass, Apples” and “The Sleeper and The Spindle”" "Šurkalović, Josipa" ffzg:7100 thesis "Feathers Floating on Fading Dreams: Reading the Swans in Alexis Wright's The Swan Book" "Krčan, Irma" ffzg:6763 thesis "The Concept of Time Travel in The Time Machine and “A Sound of Thunder”" "Prebeg, Daniel" ffzg:6448 thesis "Representation of Trauma in The Night War Series" "Kurtović, Iva" ffzg:6906 dissertation "Analiza neokolonijalnih mehanizama moći u postkolonijalnom pismu" "Kardum Goleš, Ivana" ffzg:5977 "journal article" "Unpunishable Crimes in Claire G. Coleman’s Futuristic Novel Terra Nullius" "Polak, Iva" ffzg:5670 thesis "Jhumpa Lahiri's Fiction in the Context of the American Short Story" "Glamuzina, Goran" ffzg:5475 dissertation "Transhumanizam kao paradigma čitanja anglofonih književnosti" "Furjanić, Lovro" ffzg:5241 thesis "The Psychology of Film Music in the Filmography of Stanley Kubrick: Audio-Visual Analysis of The Clockwork Orange, The Shining, Eyes Wide Shut" "Paleka, Francesca" ffzg:4654 thesis "Monstrum in Animo" "Ivanković, Blaž" ffzg:3757 thesis "George Orwell and Arthur Koestler Looking Back on the Spanish Civil War" "Babić, Marko" ffzg:4324 thesis "Hell in Beowulf and The Lord of the Rings" "Mušić, Dino" ffzg:3408 thesis "Eldritch Supernatural. A Study of Horror in H. P. Lovecraft's The Shadow over Innsmouth" "Geček, Goran" ffzg:2363 thesis "Challenging the ""Deceived"" Notions of Gender and History in Virginia Woolf's ""Orlando"" and Ali Smith's ""How to Be Both""" "Kenđelić, Vesna" ffzg:2485 thesis "Magical realism and Australian-ness in Lisa Jacobson’s “The Master Builder’s Wife”" "Radivoj, Monika" ffzg:489 thesis "Satan as the hero of Paradise Lost" "Tvrtković, Mak" ffzg:350 thesis "Oscar Wilde and the Economic Function of Marriage" "Prša, Ivana" ffzg:2001 thesis "Nothing can be as cold as life: The Story of Anna Morgan in Jean Rhys’s Voyage in the Dark" "Horak, Gracija" ffzg:324 thesis "Angela Carter's Bloody Chamber and Other Stories: The Dialectics of Themes, Modes and Genres in the Context of the Postmodern Gothic Fairy Tale" "Kosovec, Matko"