pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn pmf:13122 dissertation "Microscopic description of nuclear deformations" "Lotina, Luka" pmf:13921 dissertation "Development and characterisation of a Total Ion Beam Analysis system based on Heavy Ion PIXE spectroscopy" "Carington Masekane, Masedi" pmf:13443 "journal article" "Axially deformed relativistic quasiparticle random-phase approximation based on point-coupling interactions" "Ravlić, Ante; Nikšić, Tamara; Niu, Y. F.; Ring, Peter; Paar, Nils" pmf:13246 "journal article" "Electric dipole transitions in the relativistic quasiparticle random-phase approximation at finite temperature" "Kaur, Amandeep; Yüksel, Esra; Paar, Nils" pmf:13243 "journal article" "Finite-temperature effects in magnetic dipole transitions" "Kaur, Amandeep; Yüksel, Esra; Paar, Nils" pmf:13245 "journal article" "Global properties of nuclei at finite-temperature within the covariant energy density functional theory" "Ravlić, Ante; Yüksel, Esra; Nikšić, Tamara; Paar, Nils" pmf:13261 "journal article" "Nuclear energy density functionals constrained by collective nuclear excitations and parity violating electron scattering experiments" "Paar, Nils; Yüksel, E." pmf:13133 "journal article" "Influence of the symmetry energy on the nuclear binding energies and the neutron drip line position" "Ravlić, Ante; Yüksel, Esra; Nikšić, Tamara; Paar, Nils" pmf:12327 thesis "Primjena neuronskih mreža u modeliranju svojstava atomskih jezgara" "Šura, Krešimir" pmf:11962 "journal article" "Expanding the limits of nuclear stability at finite temperature" "Ravlić, Ante; Yüksel, Esra; Nikšić, Tamara; Paar, Nils" pmf:12291 dissertation "Application of information geometry methods in the development of nuclear structure models" "Imbrišak, Marko" pmf:11691 thesis "Pobuđena stanja 24Mg na astrofizički relevantnim energijama" "Bićanić, Ivan" pmf:11688 dissertation "Relativistički opis nuklearnih matričnih elemenata za dvostruki beta raspad" "Popara, Nato" pmf:11960 "journal article" "Implications of parity-violating electron scattering experiments on 48Ca (CREX) and 208Pb (PREX-II) for nuclear energy density functionals" "Yüksel, Esra; Paar, Nils" pmf:12252 "other document type" "Red predavanja 2017./2018." pmf:11709 thesis "Stablaste mreže tenzora za kvantne višečestične sustave na konačnoj temperaturi" "Reinić, Nora" pmf:11769 dissertation "Stellar weak interaction processes at finite temperature based on the relativistic energy density functional theory" "Ravlić, Ante" pmf:11765 dissertation "Microscopic description of collective excitations in deformed atomic nuclei" "Bjelčić, Antonio" pmf:11052 thesis "Kalibracija period-luminozitet relacija promjenjivih zvijezda tipa Mira" "Đukić, Ivan" pmf:11049 thesis "Kalibracija radiokromskih filmova za dozimetriju kliničkih fotonskih snopova" "Ursi, Giovanni" pmf:10667 dissertation "Razvoj kapilarne mikroprobe za masenu spektrometriju korištenjem iona megaelektronvoltnih energija" "Brajković, Marko" pmf:10608 thesis "Mjerenje zaustavne moći za ione vodika MeV-skih energija u dijamantu" "Matijević, Matija" pmf:10604 thesis "Odziv radiofotoluminiscentnih dozimetara u protonskim snopovima niskih energija" "Pasariček, Luka" pmf:13385 "journal article" "Statistical Hauser-Feshbach Model Description of (n,α) Reaction Cross Sections for the Weak s-Process" "Küçüksucu, Sema; Yiğit, Mustafa; Paar, Nils" pmf:11981 "journal article" "Finite-temperature electron-capture rates for neutron-rich nuclei near N=50 and effects on core-collapse supernova simulations" "Giraud, S.; Zegers, R. G. T.; Brown, B. A.; Gabler, J.-M.; Lesniak, J.; Rebenstock, J.; Ney, E. M.; Engel, J.; Ravlić, Ante; Paar, Nils" pmf:11903 "journal article" "Symmetry breaking of Gamow-Teller and magnetic-dipole transitions and its restoration in calcium isotopes" "Oishi, Tomohiro; Ravlić, Ante; Paar, Nils" pmf:11901 "journal article" "Two-neutrino double-β decay matrix elements based on a relativistic nuclear energy density functional" "Popara, Nato; Ravlić, Ante; Paar, Nils" pmf:13473 "journal article" "Finite-temperature linear response theory based on relativistic Hartree Bogoliubov model with point-coupling interaction" "Ravlić, Ante; Niu, Y. F.; Nikšić, Tamara; Paar, Nils; Ring, Peter" pmf:13475 "journal article" "Evolution of β-decay half-lives in stellar environments" "Ravlić, Ante; Yüksel, E.; Niu, Y. F.; Paar, Nils" pmf:13479 "journal article" "β-delayed neutron-emission and fission calculations within relativistic quasiparticle random-phase approximation and a statistical model" "Minato, Futoshi; Marketin, Tomislav; Paar, Nils" pmf:9589 dissertation "Magnetske gigantske rezonancije u teoriji relativističkog energijskog funkcionala gustoće" "Kružić, Goran" pmf:11867 "journal article" "Nuclear Equation of State in the Relativistic Point-Coupling Model Constrained by Excitations in Finite Nuclei" "Yüksel, Esra; Oishi, Tomohiro; Paar, Nils" pmf:9236 thesis "Sjena odbojnog Rutherfordovog raspršenja u laboratorijskom sustavu" "Rudec, Dario" pmf:11847 "journal article" "Evolution of magnetic dipole strength in 100−140^Sn isotope chain and the quenching of nucleon g factors" "Kružić, Goran; Oishi, Tomohiro; Paar, Nils" pmf:11846 "journal article" "Nuclear charge-exchange excitations based on a relativistic density-dependent point-coupling model" "Vale, Deni; Niu, Y. F.; Paar, Nils" pmf:8932 dissertation "Study of transfer reaction properties with stable and unstable heavy ion beams" "Čolović, Petra" pmf:8989 "journal article" "Magnetic dipole excitations based on the relativistic nuclear energy density functional" "Kružić, Goran; Oishi, Tomohiro; Vale, Deni; Paar, Nils" pmf:9144 thesis "Proučavanje nuklearne jednadžbe stanja u sudarima izotopa kositra" "Lihtar, Ivana" pmf:9145 thesis "Microscopic description of nuclear shapes and collective excitations" "Lotina, Luka" pmf:8241 thesis "Sjena odbojnog Rutherfordovog raspršenja" "Topić, Ivan" pmf:9003 "journal article" "Evolution of the dipole polarizability in the stable tin isotope chain" "Bassauer, S.; von Neumann-Cosel, P.; Reinhard, P.-G.; Tamii, A.; Adachi, S.; Bertulani, C.A.; Chan, P.Y.; Colò, G.; D'Alessio, A.; Fujioka, H.; Fujita, H.; Fujita, Y.; Gey, G.; Hilcker, M.; Hoang, T.H.; Inoue, A.; Isaak, J.; Iwamoto, C.; Klaus, T.; Kobayashi, N.; Maeda, Y.; Matsuda, M.; Nakatsuka, N.; Noji, S.; Ong, H.J.; Ou, I.; Paar, Nils; Pietralla, N.; Ponomarev, V.Yu.; Reen, M.S.; Richter, A.; Roca-Maza, X.; Singer, M.; Steinhilber, G.; Sudo, T.; Togano, Y.; Tsumura, M.; Watanabe, Y.; Werner, V." pmf:8830 "journal article" "Gamow-Teller excitations at finite temperature: Competition between pairing and temperature effects" "Yüksel, Esra; Paar, Nils; Colò, G.; Khan, E.; Niu, Y. F." pmf:7649 thesis "Rekonstrukcija kutne raspodjele nuklearnih reakcija" "Šako, Marin" pmf:7641 thesis "Mjerenje nuklearnih reakcija sa snopom 3^He na jezgrama 2^H, 9^Be i 12^C" "Palada, Luka" pmf:6177 thesis "Neutronski bogate jezgre kalija" "Diklić, Josipa" pmf:6204 thesis "Problem optimizacije slabo određenih modela nuklearne strukture" "Imbrišak, Marko" pmf:6213 thesis "Uhvat elektrona u atomskoj jezgri u okviru relativističkog funkcionala gustoće" "Ravlić, Ante" pmf:6215 thesis "Primjena statističkog učenja na proširenu semi-empirijsku formulu mase" "Bezak, Mihaela" pmf:5934 thesis "Proizvodnja zlata u eksplozijama supernove i sudarima neutronskih zvijezda" "Paulik, Anamarija" pmf:8561 "journal article" "Magnetic dipole excitation and its sum rule in nuclei with two valence nucleons" "Oishi, Tomohiro; Paar, Nils" pmf:8569 "journal article" "Optimizing the relativistic energy density functional with nuclear ground state and collective excitation properties" "Yüksel, Esra; Marketin, Tomislav; Paar, Nils" pmf:5088 thesis "Multipolna pobuđenja deformiranih atomskih jezgri" "Bjelčić, Antonio" pmf:5092 thesis "Transient current technique (TCT) characterization of high-energy photon irradiated silicon detectors" "Petrinec, Ana" pmf:12257 "other document type" "Red predavanja 2018./2019." pmf:4672 thesis "Primjena pozicijsko osjetljivih PIN dioda u EBS spekrometriji" "Brajković, Marko" pmf:4699 thesis "Tvorba defekata u poluvodičkim detektorima ozračivanjem fokusiranim ionskim snopovima različitih karakteristika" "Crnjac, Andreo" pmf:4594 thesis "Tragovi brzih teških iona u polimerima" "Iveković, Damjan" pmf:1939 thesis "Nuklearne reakcije izazvane 7Li na lakim jezgrama" "Popočovski, Romana" pmf:1920 thesis "Simulacija detektorskog sustava za pozitronsku emisijsku tomografiju" "Car, Julio" pmf:3233 thesis "Pokusi sa strujnim krugovima u osnovnoj školi" "Franić, Nives" pmf:1584 thesis "Nuklearne reakcije 10B+12C i građa lakih atomskih jezgara" "Nurkić, Deni" pmf:1514 thesis "Analiza korelacija u relativističkom modelu srednjeg polja" "Markulin, Ines" pmf:1515 thesis "Nukleosinteza elemenata težih od željeza" "Divjak, Roman" pmf:8047 "journal article" "Microscopic Calculations of β-decay Rates for r-process" "Marketin, Tomislav; Sieverding, A.; Wu, M.-R.; Paar, Nils; Martinez-Pinedo, G." pmf:7949 "journal article" "Model dependence of the neutron-skin thickness on the symmetry energy" "Mondal, C.; Agrawal, B. K.; Centelles, M.; Colò, G.; Roca-Maza, X.; Paar, Nils; Viñas, X.; Singh, S. K.; Patra, S. K." pmf:7937 "journal article" "Pygmy dipole resonance in ^140Ce via inelastic scattering of ^17O" "Krzysiek, M.; Kmiecik, M.; Maj, A.; Bednarczyk, P.; Bracco, A.; Crespi, F. C. L.; Lanza, E. G.; Litvinova, E.; Paar, Nils; Avigo, R.; Bazzacco, D.; Benzoni, G.; Birkenbach, B.; Blasi, N.; Bottoni, S.; Brambilla, S.; Camera, F.; Ceruti, S.; Ciemala, M.; de Angelis, G.; Désesquelles, P.; Eberth, J.; Farnea, E.; Gadea, A.; Giaz, A.; Gorgen, A.; Gottardo, A.; Grebosz, J.; Hess, H.; Isocarte, R.; Jungclaus, A.; Leoni, S.; Ljungvall, J.; Lunardi, S.; Mazurek, K.; Menegazzo, R.; Mengoni, D.; Michelagnoli, C.; Milion, B.; Morales, A. I.; Napoli, D. R.; Nicolini, R.; Pellegri, L.; Pullia, A.; Quintana, B.; Recchia, F.; Reiter, P.; Rosso, D.; Salsac, M. D.; Siebeck, B.; Siem, S.; Soderstrom, P.-A.; Ur, C.; Valiente-Dobon, J. J.; Wieland, O.; Zieblinski, M." pmf:7786 "journal article" "Neutron skin thickness from the measured electric dipole polarizability in 68Ni, 120Sn, and 208Pb" "Roca-Maza, X.; Vinas, X.; Centelles, M.; Agrawal, B. K.; Colo, G.; Paar, Nils; Piekarewicz, J.; Vretenar, Dario" pmf:7687 "journal article" "Nuclear Energy Density Functionals and Neutron Star Properties" "Paar, Nils; Moustakidis, Ch. C.; Lalazissis, G. A.; Marketin, Tomislav; Vretenar, Dario" pmf:7620 "journal article" "The Nuclear Symmetry Energy and Other Isovector Observables from the Point of View of Nuclear Structure" "Colo, G.; Roca-Maza, X.; Paar, Nils" pmf:1546 thesis "Dinamika hladnih atoma rubidija zarobljenih u magneto-optičkoj stupici" "Nekić, Nikolina" pmf:1531 thesis "Pulsirani ionski snopovi za dvostruko ozračavanje ionima" "Brčić, Nikola" pmf:7502 "journal article" "Neutron star structure and collective excitations of finite nuclei" "Paar, Nils; Moustakidis, Ch. C.; Marketin, Tomislav; Vretenar, Dario; Lalazissis, G. A." pmf:7339 "journal article" "Anti-analog giant dipole resonances and the neutron skin of nuclei" "Krasznahorkaya, A.; Paar, Nils; Vretenar, Dario; Harakeh, M. N." pmf:7379 "journal article" "Electric dipole polarizability in 208Pb: Insights from the droplet model" "Roca-Maza, X.; Brenna, M.; Colo, G.; Centelles, M.; Vinas, X.; Agrawal, B. K.; Paar, Nils; Vretenar, Dario; Piekarewicz, J." pmf:7360 "journal article" "Giant quadrupole resonances in 208Pb, the nuclear symmetry energy, and the neutron skin thickness" "Roca-Maza, X.; Brenna, M.; Agrawal, B. K.; Bortignon, P. F.; Colo, G.; Cao, Li-Gang; Paar, Nils; Vretenar, Dario" pmf:7370 "journal article" "Incompressibility of finite fermionic systems: Stable and exotic atomic nuclei" "Khan, E.; Paar, Nils; Vretenar, Dario; Cao, Li-Gang; Sagawa, H.; Colo, G." pmf:7386 "journal article" "Information content of the weak-charge form factor" "Reinhard, P.-G.; Piekarewicz, J.; Nazarewicz, W.; Agrawal, B. K.; Paar, Nils; Roca-Maza, X." pmf:7356 "journal article" "Large-scale calculations of supernova neutrino-induced reactions in Z=8–82 target nuclei" "Paar, Nils; Tutman, H.; Marketin, Tomislav; Fischer, Tobias" pmf:7385 "journal article" "Pairing transitions in finite-temperature relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory" "Niu, Y.F.; Niu, Z.M.; Paar, Nils; Vretenar, Dario; Wang, G.H.; Bai, J.S.; Meng, Jie" pmf:7282 "journal article" "Electric dipole polarizability and the neutron skin" "Piekarewicz, J.; Agrawal, B. K.; Colo, G.; Nazarewicz, Witold; Paar, Nils; Reinhard, P.-G.; Roca-Maza, X.; Vretenar, Dario" pmf:7283 "journal article" "Low-energy isovector and isoscalar dipole response in neutron-rich nuclei" "Vretenar, Dario; Niu, Y. F.; Paar, Nils; Meng, Jie" pmf:7324 "journal article" "Neutral-current neutrino-nucleus cross sections based on relativistic nuclear energy density functional" "Đapo, Haris; Paar, Nils" pmf:7288 "journal article" "Role of momentum transfer in the quenching of Gamow-Teller strength" "Marketin, Tomislav; Martinez-Pinedo, Gabriel; Paar, Nils; Vretenar, Dario" pmf:7309 "journal article" "Stellar electron-capture rates on nuclei based on a microscopic Skyrme functional" "Fantina, A. F.; Khan, E.; Colo, G.; Paar, Nils; Vretenar, Dario" pmf:1727 dissertation "Experimental study of pionic fusion 4He(3He,π0)7Be" "Gašparić, Igor" pmf:7247 "journal article" "Low-energy monopole strength in exotic nickel isotopes" "Khan, E.; Paar, Nils; Vretenar, Dario" pmf:7180 "journal article" "Neutrino and antineutrino charge-exchange reactions on 12C" "Samana, Arturo; Krmpotić, Francesco; Paar, Nils; Bertulani, Carlos" pmf:7163 "journal article" "Nuklearni procesi u evoluciji supernove" "Paar, Nils" pmf:7226 "journal article" "Stellar electron-capture rates calculated with the finite-temperature relativistic random-phase approximation" "Niu, Y. F.; Paar, Nils; Vretenar, Dario; Meng, Jie" pmf:7244 "journal article" "Uncertainties in modeling low-energy neutrino-induced reactions on iron-group nuclei" "Paar, Nils; Suzuki, Toshio; Honma, M.; Marketin, Tomislav; Vretenar, Dario" pmf:1743 dissertation "Application of relativistic density functionals in the modeling of nuclear weak-interaction processes" "Marketin, Tomislav" pmf:1751 dissertation "Spektroskopija elastično izbijenih iona mjerenjem vremena proleta" "Siketić, Zdravko" pmf:1467 thesis "Spinsko-izospinska pobuđenja u atomskim jezgrama" "Zorić, Maja" pmf:7097 "journal article" "Calculation of stellar electron-capture cross sections on nuclei based on microscopic Skyrme functionals" "Paar, Nils; Colo, G.; Khan, E.; Vretenar, Dario" pmf:7049 "journal article" "Isoscalar and Isovector Splitting of Pygmy Dipole Structures" "Paar, Nils; Niu, Y. F.; Vretenar, Dario; Meng, Jie" pmf:7046 "journal article" "Relativistic quasiparticle random-phase approximation calculation of total muon capture rates" "Marketin, Tomislav; Paar, Nils; Nikšić, Tamara; Vretenar, Dario" pmf:7017 "journal article" "Comment on “Pygmy dipole response of proton-rich argon nuclei in random-phase approximation and no-core shell model”" "Paar, Nils" pmf:6997 "journal article" "Inclusive charged-current neutrino-nucleus reactions calculated with the relativistic quasiparticle random-phase approximation" "Paar, Nils; Vretenar, Dario; Marketin, Tomislav; Ring, Peter" pmf:6981 "journal article" "Nuclear symmetry energy and neutron skins derived from pygmy dipole resonances" "Klimkiewicz, A.; Paar, Nils; Adrich, P.; Fallot, M.; Boretzky, K.; Aumann, T.; Cortina-Gil, D.; Pramanik, U. Datta; Elze, Th. W.; Emling, H.; Geissel, H.; Hellström, M.; Jones, K. L.; Kratz, J. V.; Kulessa, R.; Nociforo, C.; Palit, R.; Simon, H.; Surowka, G.; Summerer, K.; Vretenar, Dario; Walus, W." pmf:6925 "journal article" "Relativistic quasiparticle random-phase approximation description of isoscalar compression modes in open-shell nuclei in the A≈60 mass region" "Paar, Nils; Vretenar, Dario; Nikšić, Tamara; Ring, Peter" pmf:6868 "journal article" "Proton Electric Pygmy Dipole Resonance" "Paar, Nils; Vretenar, Dario; Ring, Peter" pmf:6863 "journal article" "β-decay rates of r-process nuclei in the relativistic quasiparticle random phase approximation" "Nikšić, Tamara; Marketin, Tomislav; Vretenar, Dario; Paar, Nils; Ring, Peter" pmf:6829 "journal article" "Quasiparticle random phase approximation based on the relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov model. II. Nuclear spin and isospin excitations" "Paar, Nils; Nikšić, Tamara; Vretenar, Dario; Ring, Peter" pmf:6788 "journal article" "Quasiparticle random phase approximation based on the relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov model" "Paar, Nils; Ring, Peter; Nikšić, Tamara; Vretenar, Dario" pmf:6800 "journal article" "Spin-Isospin Resonances and the Neutron Skin of Nuclei" "Vretenar, Dario; Paar, Nils; Nikšić, Tamara; Ring, Peter" pmf:6756 "journal article" "Toroidal dipole resonances in the relativistic random phase approximation" "Vretenar, Dario; Paar, Nils; Ring, Peter; Nikšić, Tamara" pmf:6740 "journal article" "Pygmy dipole resonances in relativistic random phase approximation" "Vretenar, Dario; Paar, Nils; Ring, Peter; Lalazissis, G. A." pmf:6666 "journal article" "Nonlinear dynamics of giant resonances in atomic nuclei" "Vretenar, Dario; Paar, Nils; Ring, Peter; Lalazissis, G. A."