Sažetak | Predmet je rada autizam. Cilj je rada analizirati autizam kod djece, odnosno utvrditi uzroke tog poremećaja, analizirati dijagnostiĉke kriterije i postupak dijagnosticiranja, manifestiranje poremećaja, terapijske postupke i njegovu prognozu. Osim toga, cilj je rada analizirati zakonske odrednice ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja djece s autistiĉnim poremećajem. Rijeĉ je o primarnom poremećaju iz autistiĉnog spektra koji se javlja kod male djece i koji karakteriziraju poremećaji (ne)verbalne komunikacije i socijalne interakcije te ograniĉene aktivnosti i interesi. Iako nije dijagnostiĉki kriterij, ĉesta su i intelektualna oštećenja kod djece s autizmom. Javljaju se i motoriĉke smetnje, osjetni poremećaji, poremećaji u jedenju, spavanju, fobije, (auto)agresija itd. Pretpostavlja se da je autizam multifaktorski poremećaj. Poremećaj se javlja u ĉetvero do petero djece na 10 000 sluĉajeva te se ĉešće javlja meĊu djeĉacima. Primjenjuju se razliĉiti terapijski postupci kako bi se minimalizirala oštećenja, ali je za djecu s intelektualnim oštećenjima i zaostajanju u razvoju govora prognoza loša. Djeca s autizmom sudjeluju u procesu odgojno-obrazovne inkluzije te se ukljuĉuju u predškolske ustanove u što većoj mjeri s obzirom na to da uspješno provedena inkluzija pozitivno utjeĉe na njihov razvoj. Kako bi proces bio uspješan, vaţne su kompetencije odgojitelja za rad s tom djecom, njihov pozitivan stav prema procesu te pozitivan stav djece bez teškoća u razvoju, kao i njihova priprema. U tom je kontekstu nuţno poboljšati kompetencije odgojitelja za rad s djecom s teškoćama u razvoju. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The subject of this paper is autism. The aim of the paper is to analyze autism in children, that is, to determine the causes of this disorder, to analyze the diagnostic criteria and the diagnosis procedure, the manifestation of the disorder, therapeutic procedures and its prognosis. In addition, the aim of the paper is to analyze the legal determinants of early and preschool education of children with autistic disorder. It is a primary disorder from the autistic spectrum that occurs in young children and is characterized by disorders of (non)verbal communication and social interaction, as well as limited activities and interests. Although it is not a diagnostic criterion, intellectual impairments are also common in children with autism. There are also motor disorders, sensory disorders, eating and sleeping disorders, phobias, (auto)aggression, etc. It is assumed that autism is a multifactorial disorder. The disorder occurs in four to five children per 10,000 cases and occurs more often among boys. Various therapeutic procedures are applied to minimize damage, but the prognosis is poor for children with intellectual disabilities and delays in speech development. Children with autism participate in the process of educational inclusion and are included in preschool institutions to the greatest extent possible, considering that successfully implemented inclusion has a positive effect on their development. In order for the process to be successful, the competence of educators to work with these children, their positive attitude towards the process and the positive attitude of children without developmental difficulties, as well as their preparation, are important. In this context, it is necessary to improve the competencies of educators for working with children with developmental disabilities. |