pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn pmf:1755 dissertation "Utjecaj ligandnog okruženja i dimenzionalnosti kristalne rešetke na magnetsku anizotropiju iona 3d prijelaznih metala" "Herak, Mirta" pmf:6362 "journal article" "Temperature dependence of the magnetic anisotropy of metallic Y-Ba-Cu-O single crystals in the normal phase" "Miljak, Marko; Zlatić, Vinko; Kos, I.; Aviani, Ivica; Hamzić, Amir; Collin, G." pmf:6316 "journal article" "Hall effect in the heavy-fermion compound CePtSi" "Hamzić, Amir; Fert, A.; Miljak, M.; Horn, S."