@mastersthesis{phyri:292, author = {{Turk, Marija}}, title = {{Geometry of gauge theories}}, } @mastersthesis{phyri:264, author = {{Zec, Angelo}}, title = {{Korelacije u zračenju iz provala gama-zraka}}, } @phdthesis{phyri:241, author = {{Paulišić, Mateo}}, title = {{Higher-spin-like symmetries and gauge models}}, } @mastersthesis{phyri:228, author = {{Pavun, Filip}}, title = {{Skrivene simetrije u Keplerovom problemu}}, } @mastersthesis{phyri:217, author = {{Banožić, Mihael}}, title = {{Teorem Ostrogradskog}}, } @mastersthesis{phyri:208, author = {{Padežanin, Filip}}, title = {{Noetherini teoremi}}, } @article{pmf:11865, author = {{Cvitan, Maro and Prester, Predrag Dominis and Giaccari, Stefano Gregorio and Paulišić, Mateo and Vuković, Ivan}}, title = {{Gauging the Higher-Spin-Like Symmetries by the Moyal Product. II}}, } @mastersthesis{phyri:180, author = {{Pešut, Matea}}, title = {{Linearni operatori i primjena u fizici}}, } @article{pmf:13602, author = {{Cvitan, Maro and Dominis Prester, Predrag and Giaccari, Stefano and Paulišić, Mateo and Vuković, Ivan}}, title = {{Gauging the higher-spin-like symmetries by the Moyal product}}, } @mastersthesis{phyri:164, author = {{Turk, Marija}}, title = {{Efekt memorije u klasičnoj elektrodinamici}}, } @mastersthesis{phyri:43, author = {{Vrban, Fran Ivan}}, title = {{Gravitacijski valovi}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:397, author = {{Paulišić, Mateo}}, title = {{Prostorno-vremenski singulariteti}}, }