@article{pmf:12978, author = {{Šlaus, Bruno and Smolčić, Vernesa and Ivezić, Željko and Fotopoulou, S. and Willott, C. J. and Pendo, P. and Vignali, C. and Chiappetti, L. and Pierre, M.}}, title = {{The XXL survey. LII. The evolution of radio AGN LF determined via parametric methods from GMRT, ATCA, VLA, and Cambridge interferometer observations}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:12655, author = {{Šlaus, Bruno}}, title = {{Cosmic evolution of active galactic nuclei detected in the radio waveband}}, } @article{pmf:8623, author = {{Šlaus, Bruno and Smolčić, Vernesa and Novak, Mladen and Fotopoulou, S. and Ciliegi, P. and Jurlin, N. and Ceraj, Lana and Tisanić, Krešimir and Birkinshaw, M. and Bremer, M. and Chiappetti, L. and Horellou, C. and Huynh, M. and Intema, H. and Kolokythas, K. and Pierre, M. and Raychaudhury, S. and Rottgering, H.}}, title = {{The XXL Survey. XLI. Radio AGN luminosity functions based on the GMRT 610 MHz continuum observations}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:3874, author = {{Šlaus, Bruno}}, title = {{Sinkrotronsko zračenje galaksija}}, } @article{pmf:8183, author = {{Smolčić, Vernesa and Intema, Huib and Šlaus, Bruno and Raychaudhury, Somak and Novak, Mladen and Horellou, Cathy and Chiappetti, Lucio and Delhaize, Jacinta and Birkinshaw, Mark and Bondi, Marco and Bremer, Malcolm and Ciliegi, Paolo and Ferrari, Chiara and Kolokythas, Konstantinos and Lidman, Chris and McGee, Sean L. and Norris, Ray and Pierre, Marguerite and Röttgering, Huub and Tasse, Cyril and Williams, Wendy}}, title = {{The XXL Survey. XXIX. GMRT 610 MHz continuum observations}}, }