pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn pmf:12978 "journal article" "The XXL survey. LII. The evolution of radio AGN LF determined via parametric methods from GMRT, ATCA, VLA, and Cambridge interferometer observations" "Šlaus, Bruno; Smolčić, Vernesa; Ivezić, Željko; Fotopoulou, S.; Willott, C. J.; Pendo, P.; Vignali, C.; Chiappetti, L.; Pierre, M." pmf:12655 dissertation "Cosmic evolution of active galactic nuclei detected in the radio waveband" "Šlaus, Bruno" pmf:8623 "journal article" "The XXL Survey. XLI. Radio AGN luminosity functions based on the GMRT 610 MHz continuum observations" "Šlaus, Bruno; Smolčić, Vernesa; Novak, Mladen; Fotopoulou, S.; Ciliegi, P.; Jurlin, N.; Ceraj, Lana; Tisanić, Krešimir; Birkinshaw, M.; Bremer, M.; Chiappetti, L.; Horellou, C.; Huynh, M.; Intema, H.; Kolokythas, K.; Pierre, M.; Raychaudhury, S.; Rottgering, H." pmf:3874 thesis "Sinkrotronsko zračenje galaksija" "Šlaus, Bruno" pmf:8183 "journal article" "The XXL Survey. XXIX. GMRT 610 MHz continuum observations" "Smolčić, Vernesa; Intema, Huib; Šlaus, Bruno; Raychaudhury, Somak; Novak, Mladen; Horellou, Cathy; Chiappetti, Lucio; Delhaize, Jacinta; Birkinshaw, Mark; Bondi, Marco; Bremer, Malcolm; Ciliegi, Paolo; Ferrari, Chiara; Kolokythas, Konstantinos; Lidman, Chris; McGee, Sean L.; Norris, Ray; Pierre, Marguerite; Röttgering, Huub; Tasse, Cyril; Williams, Wendy"