@article{pmf:11930, author = {{Griffitt, S. and Spaić, Marin and Joe, J. and Anderson, Z. W. and Zhai, D. and Krogstad, M. J. and Osborn, R. and Pelc, Damjan and Greven, M.}}, title = {{Local inversion-symmetry breaking in a bismuthate high-Tc superconductor}}, } @article{pmf:11837, author = {{Spaić, Marin and Radić, Danko}}, title = {{Onset of pseudogap and density wave in a system with a closed Fermi surface}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:8242, author = {{Spaić, Marin}}, title = {{Utjecaj anizotropije trodimenzionalne slobodnoelektronske vrpce pod utjecajem periodičkog potencijala na stabilnost kondenzata}}, }