@article{sfzg:2031, author = {{Petrović, Valentina and Šlaj, Martina and Buljan, Mia and Morelato, Luka and Zulijani, Ana and Perić, Berislav}}, title = {{A Comparison of Dental Arch Width and Length on 3D Digital and Plaster Models}}, } @article{sfzg:1901, author = {{Petrović, Valentina and Šlaj, Martina and Buljan, Mia and Čivljak, Tadej and Zulijani, Ana and Perić, Berislav}}, title = {{Comparison of Tooth Size Measurements in Orthodontics Using Conventional and 3D Digital Study Models}}, } @article{sfzg:1193, author = {{Zulijani, Ana and Žigante, Martina and Morelato, Luka and Perić, Berislav and Milardović, Ana}}, title = {{Oligomicrodontia in a Pediatric Cancer Survivor after Chemotherapy: A Case Report}}, } @phdthesis{medri:6632, author = {{Zulijani, Ana}}, title = {{IZRAŽAJ METALOTIONEINA I MEGALINA U PREMALIGNIM I MALIGNIM EPITELNIM LEZIJAMA SLUZNICE USNE ŠUPLJINE}}, } @article{medri:4793, author = {{Zulijani, Ana and Dekanić, Andrea and Ćabov, Tomislav and Jakovac, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Metallothioneins and Megalin Expression Profiling in Premalignant and Malignant Oral Squamous Epithelial Lesions}}, } @article{fdmri:49, author = {{Ćabov, Tomislav and Legović, Asja and Ćabov Ercegović, Lucija and Zulijani, Ana}}, title = {{Role of Panoramic Radiography in the Identification of Dental Anomalies and Disturbed Development of the Dentition}}, } @article{fdmri:146, author = {{Musulin, Jelena and Štifanić, Daniel and Zulijani, Ana and Ćabov, Tomislav and Dekanić, Andrea and Car, Zlatan}}, title = {{An Enhanced Histopathology Analysis: An AI- Based System for Multiclass Grading of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Segmenting of Epithelial and Stromal Tissue}}, } @article{fdmri:2, author = {{Ćabov, Tomislav and Nola Fuchs, Petra and Zulijani, Ana and Ćabov Ercegović, Lucija and Marelić, Srđan}}, title = {{Odontomas: Pediatric Case Report and Review of the Literature}}, } @article{fdmri:147, author = {{Saltović, Ema and Kovačević Pavičić, Daniela and Pavlić, Andrej and Debeljak, Vlatka and Zulijani, Ana and Špalj, Stjepan}}, title = {{Perfectionism, self-esteem and body image related to self-perception of orofacial appearance – development and validation of psychometric instrument}}, }