@mastersthesis{pmf:14008, author = {{Šostik, Eugen}}, title = {{Stohastička teorija polja u kozmologiji}}, } @misc{irb:646, author = {{Vlah, Zvonimir and Chen, Shi-Fan and White, Martin}}, title = {{Code triceratops that computes the bispectrum in Zeldovich approximation}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:12852, author = {{Sladoljev, Ivan}}, title = {{Efektivna teorija polja formacije kozmoloških struktura}}, } @misc{irb:645, author = {{Vlah, Zvonimir and Gao, Zucheng and Challinor, Anthony}}, title = {{Code for computing the angular power spectrum, beyond the Limber approximation}}, } @mastersthesis{pmfst:1558, author = {{Jerić Miloš, Duje}}, title = {{Causality and Black Holes}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:11768, author = {{Perković, Dalibor}}, title = {{Implicitna jednadžba stanja kozmičkih fluida i modeli tamne energije, tamne materije i njihovog ujedinjenja}}, } @mastersthesis{pmfst:1222, author = {{Rom, Tamara}}, title = {{Stochastic gravitational-wave background on large cosmological scales}}, }