pid,type,title,authors,mentors,source_title,published_date,url,doi,isbn,issn,eissn pmf:6775,"journal article","Meson exchange formalism and the definition of delta functions","Horvat, Dubravko; Narančić, Zoran; Tadić, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:6719,"journal article","Hypernuclear potentials and the pseudoscalar meson exchange contribution","Barbero, Cesar; Horvat, Dubravko; Krmpotić, Franjo; Narančić, Zoran; Tadić, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:6720,"journal article","Weak meson vertices and the hypernuclear potential","Barbero, Cesar; Horvat, Dubravko; Krmpotić, Franjo; Narančić, Zoran; Tadić, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:6681,"journal article","The extended chiral quark model in a Tamm-Dancoff inspired approximation","Horvat, Dubravko; Horvatić, Davor; Podobnik, Boris; Tadić, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:6572,"journal article","Relativistic quark model","Horvatić, Davor; Tadić, Dubravko; Žganec, Srećko",,,,,,,, pmf:6444,"journal article","A non-hedgehog solution for the chiral bag","Horvat, Dubravko; Podobnik, Boris; Tadić, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:6520,"journal article","A non-hedgehog solution for the chiral bag","Horvat, Dubravko; Podobnik, Boris; Tadić, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:6485,"journal article","Time dependent perturbation theory and the Zel'dovich electric dipole moment in atoms","Tadić, Dubravko; Krause, Dennis E.; Fischbach, Ephraim; Sudarsky, Daniel",,,,,,,, pmf:6532,"journal article","Time dependent perturbation theory and the Zel'dovich electric dipole moment in atoms","Tadić, Dubravko; Krause, Dennis E.; Fischbach, Ephraim; Sudarsky, Daniel",,,,,,,, pmf:6402,"journal article","Vector mesonic phase and the chiral bag model","Horvat, Dubravko; Podobnik, Boris; Tadić, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:6393,"journal article","Theoretical description of the hyperon nonleptonic decays","Tadić, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:6295,"journal article","Lorentz noninvariance and the Eötvös experiments","Fischbach, Ephraim; Haugan, Mark P.; Tadić, Dubravko; Cheng, Hai-Yang",,,,,,,, pmf:6286,"journal article","Ujedinjene teorije prirodnih sila","Tadić, Dubravko",,,,,,,,