Inclusion of Repositories in OpenDOAR

During October, the DABAR team submitted applications for 16 repositories to the Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR). The primary goal of registretion in OpenDOAR is to enhance the visibility of institutions, their repositories, and the content within repositories.

The submissions were made based on feedback received from individuals responsible for establishing and maintaining the repositories. Repositories with little or no open-access content will be held back, as openly accessible content is one of the criteria by which OpenDOAR validates applications. We expect the applications to be processed during November.

A prerequisite for applying to OpenAIRE is a successful registration in OpenDOAR.

Once a repository is included in OpenDOAR, the option to apply to OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) becomes available, and repository administrators must complete this process independently. You can find more information about the application procedure and the importance of including repositories in OpenAIRE on the DABAR website.