Study program
Showing 451 - 475 of 1713
List of results
English Language and Literature (single major); specializations in: TEFL, Linguistics, Literature and Culture, Translation (41)
English Language and Literature (single or double major); specializations in: TEFL, Linguistics, Literature and Culture, Translation (7)
English Studies; specializations in: Teacher Education , Translator/Interpreter Education (62)
Enogastronomy (13)
Enterperneurship Management (165)
Entrepreneurial Management (38)
Entrepreneurship (502)
Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Management (1)
Entrepreneurship and eu funds (31)
Entrepreneurship Economics (513)
Entrepreneurship in Culture and Tourism (127)
Entrepreneurship; specializations in: Entrepreneurship of Services, Rural Entrepreneurship (83)
Entrepreneurship; specializations in: Entrepreneurship of Services, Rural Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship (53)
Enviromental Sciences (192)
Environmenatl Engineering (47)
Environment, Agriculture and Resource Management (30)
Environmental Engineering (255)
Environmental Engineering - Graduate study (224)
Environmental Engineering - Undergraduate study (237)
Environmental Health Engineering (664)
Environmental Sciences (323)
Environmental Sciences-University graduate programme (8)
Environmental Sciences-University undergraduate programme (15)
Epidemiology (4)
Ethnology and Anthropology (double major) (72)