Supported digital objects

Undergraduate and master's theses metadata description (in Croatian)
(v1.7 2015-10-26)
v1.2 2016-02-09 .pdf National and University Library in Zagreb
Dissertations metadata description (in Croatian)
(v1.0 2015-12-04)
v1 2016-02-09 .pdf National and University Library in Zagreb
Articles (published in journals)

metadata description (in Croatian)
(v1.2 2019-08-09)

  .pdf, .epub, .tif, .tiff, .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .zip, .csv, .tsv, .xslx, .docx, .pptx, .mov, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .mxf, .wav

Description of scientific and related papers, controlled vocabularies and identifiers Working Group

Art undegraduate and master's theses

metadata descriprion (in Croatian)
(v1.0 2017-05-10)

  .pdf Description of images, audio and video files, controlled vocabularies and identifiers Working Group
Audio files metadata description (in Croatian)
(v1.1 2018-06-27)
  .aiff, .mp3, .wav Description of images, audio and video files, controlled vocabularies and identifiers Working Group
Images metadata description (in Croatian)
(v1.1 2018-06-27)
  .jpg, .jpeg, .tif, .tiff Description of images, audio and video files, controlled vocabularies and identifiers Working Group
Conference papers
Book chapters
metadata description (in Croatian)
(v1.2 2019-08-09)
  .pdf, .docx, .xlsx, .pptx, .epub, .tiff, .jpeg, .jpg, .csv Description of scientific and related papers, controlled vocabularies and identifiers Working Group
Video files metadata description (in Croatian)
(v1.1 2018-06-27)
  .mp4, .mov, .avi, .mpeg, .mpg, .mxf Description of images, audio and video files, controlled vocabularies and identifiers Working Group
Conference presentations metadata description (in Croatian)
(v1.1 2019-08-09)
  .pdf, .pptx, .odp Description of scientific and related papers, controlled vocabularies and identifiers Working Group
Datasets (Research data) metadata description (in Croatian)
(v1.1 2019-01-30)
  .txt, .docx, .rtf, .xml, .pdf, .csv, .tsv, .sql, .xlsx, .por, .sav, .dta, .tif, .jpg, .svg, .dfx, .wav, .mp3, .mpg2, .mpg4, .nc, .zip Research data Working Group (
Books metadata description (in Croatian)
(v1.2 2019-08-09)
  .pdf, .docx, .odt, .epub, .html, .txt Description of scientific and related papers, controlled vocabularies and identifiers Working Group
Educational material

metadata description (in Croatian)

(v2.1 2021-09-09)

  .pdf, .txt, .docx, .xlsx, .pptx, .xml, .mbz, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .wav, .mp3, .mp4, .mov, .avi, .mpeg, .mpg, .zip Educational material Working Group
General object metadata description (in Croatian)
(v1.2 2021-09-02)
  .pdf, .txt, .docx, .xlsx, .pptx Description of scientific and related papers, controlled vocabularies and identifiers Working Group
Virtual collections metadata description (in Croatian)
(v1.1 2021-04-30)
    DABAR Coordination Committee
* The contact institution/working group in charge of the interpretation and possible changes of the objects' metadata description.

Normative files used in DABAR (in Croatian)

Organisational units (XML)

Study Programmes (XML) (source: Study Programmes Register kept by the Ministry of Science Education and Sports)

Types of studies, levels of studies, types of theses (XSLX, v2.2 2016-05-11)

Controlled vocabularies HRZVO (v8.2 2022-06-01)



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