Study program
Showing 1526 - 1550 of 1724
List of results
Textile Technology and Engineering; specializations in: Clothing Engineering, Textile Design and Management, Industrial Textile Design, Industrial Clothing Design, Textile Chemistry, Materials and Ecology, Textile Chemistry, Materials and Ecology (138)
Theater Directing and Broadcasting (17)
Theatre Pedagogy (7)
The Integrated University Undergraduate and Graduate Programme in Physics and Computer Science Education; specializations in: Physics and informatics (19)
Theological and Cathetical Program (2)
Theological-Religious Sciences (25)
Theoretical Mathematics (10)
The Professional Graduate Study - Prosthetics, Orthotics and Robotics in Physiotherapy (18)
The Professional Undergraduate Study of Physiotherapy (127)
The University Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate Programme in Physics and Chemistry Education; specializations in: Physics and chemistry (7)
The University Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate Programme in Physics and Technology Education; specializations in: Physics and technics (1)
The University Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate Programme in Physics Education; specializations in: Physics Education (17)
The University Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate Programme in Physics; Research Physics; specializations in: Research Physics (52)
Tourism (341)
Tourism and Hotel Management (380)
Tourism and Hotel Management; specializations in: Tourism management, Hotel management (47)
Tourism Destination Management and Marketing (20)
Tourism management (2)
Tourism Management (3)
Tourism Management; Tourism Management, Information Management - undergraduate - professional study; specializations in: Tourism Management, Information Management (86)
Tourism Operations (278)
Tourism; specializations in: Tourism Management, Hotel Management (372)
Toxicology (3)
Trade (353)
Trade and Tourism Management (188)