Abstract | Rad definira pojam goth ili darkerske subkulture te njenu korelaciju s filmskom umjetnosti. Osim toga, rad objašnjava koji su sve filmovi, te na koji način, pridonijeli stvaranju goth ili darkerske estetike u spomenutoj subkulturi, ili pak koji su filmovi inspiraciju crpili iz iste. Nemoguće je ovdje zaobići ulogu glazbe koju s filmom vežu neraskidive spone. Svakako treba napomenuti da se goth ili darkerskim filmovima ne smatraju samo filmovi unutar gothic horror žanra, već i filmovi ostalih žanrova (mjuzikl, drama, komedija, trash, camp, film noir, ...) koji su na ovaj ili onaj način postali dio darkerske kulture koju bismo najkraće mogli opisati kao primjećivanje ljepote u tami. Dakle, postoji razlika između tradicionalnog, originalnog gothic, odnosno gothic-horror filma, i goth, odnosno darkerskog filma. Naziv gothic postojao je stotinama godinama, bez referenci na subkulturu. Naprimjer, u vrijeme Edgara Allana Poea i Mary Shelley subkultura kao takva, naravno, nije postojala. Naziv gothic se tada odnosio na popularni književni žanr tada smatran lakim štivom koje si svatko može priuštiti. Kao što postoji razlika između Nabokovljeve Lolite i istoimene japanske subkulture , tako i mi ovdje moramo praviti razliku između dva slična, a opet različita, naziva, a koji ipak ponekad mogu biti zamjenjivi, te se posebno u razgovornom jeziku itekako mogu ispreplitati.
Spomenut ću još da filmovi kojima ću se baviti u ovom diplomskom radu imaju jednu poveznicu – oni omogućavaju gledatelju da se poveže s izopćenikom, outsiderom, likom koji je drugačiji, osobom koja nije dio mainstream kulture ili barem njegovom estetikom. |
Abstract (english) | This MA thesis defines and explaines Goth subculture as such and it's correlation with film. It also explains in which way those films contributed to the creation of the Goth or dark aesthetics in the subculture, or which films drew inspiration from that subculture. It is impossible to circumvent the role of music here, which is tied to the film by unbreakable ties. It is worth noting that goth or darker films are considered not only films within the gothic horror genre, but also films of other genres (musical, drama, comedy, trash, camp, film noir,...) that have become part of the Goth subculture in one way or another. Most briefly, Goth subculture can be described as noticing beauty in the darkness. So there is a difference between a traditional, original gothic or gothic-horror movie, and a goth or dark movie. The name gothic has existed for hundreds of years, with no reference to the subculture. For example, at the time of Edgar Allan Poe and Marry Shelley, subcultures as such, of course, did not exist. The name gothic then referred to a popular literary genre at the time considered an easy-to-read item that anyone can afford. Just as there is a difference between Nabokov's Lolita and the Japanese subculture of the same name, so here we must distinguish between two similar yet different names, which can sometimes be interchangeable, especially in spoken language and the way they intertwine.
I will also mention that the films I will be writing about in this MA thesis have one link - they allow the viewer to connect with an outcast, an outsider, a character who is different, a person who is not part of mainstream culture, or at least with he's aesthetics. |