Title Zelena infrastruktura grada Krapine
Title (english) A town Krapina green infrastructure
Author Mateja Leljak
Mentor Branka Aničić (mentor)
Committee member Branka Aničić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Petra Pereković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Stanko Stergaršek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Ornamental Plants, Landscape Architecture and Garden Art) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy Landscape Architecture
Abstract Zelena infrastruktura, održivi razvoj, bioraznolikost, zaštita prirode, samo su neki od
pojmova koje susrećemo u raznim raspravama i predavanjima, politikama, projektima i
programima koji promiču tzv. „zeleni pristup“ i prirodna rješenja društvenih, socijalnih i
gospodarskih problema.
U ovom radu istražen je pojam zelena infrastruktura i njegova primjena na stvarnoj
lokaciji. Stoga se u prvom djelu rada navode jasni problemi i ciljevi, prikazuju metode rada i
definiraju važni pojmovi. Također se kroz pregled aktualne dokumentacije na europskoj razini
dolazi do jasnih saznanja i važnosti zelene infrastrukture. Prati se razvoj i moguća primjena u
Hrvatskoj kroz održana predavanja i radionice.
Drugi dio rada odnosi se na primjenu zelene infrastrukture na stvarnoj lokaciji. Jasno
definirana zelena infrastruktura kao pojam i kao alat koji provode europske institucije za
poboljšanje čovjekova okoliša, u drugom dijelu rada usmjerili su pažnju na jedan od mogućih
pristupa planiranju zelene infrastrukture kroz grad Krapinu. Rijeke su vrlo važan element zelene
infrastrukture pa je tako u drugom dijelu rada prepoznata rijeka Krapinčica unutar teritorijalnoadministrativnih
granica grada Krapine. Inventarizacijama i analizama raščlanjeni su postojeći
infrastrukturni sustavi (siva i plava infrastruktura) grada Krapine i prikazana tipologija
Sve to rezultiralo je smjernicama danjeg razvoja grada Krapine usmjerene su na fizičko i
tematsko povezivanje urbanih i ruralnih dijelova grada kroz koncept zelene infrastrukture,
odnosno rijeke Krapinščice kao važnog elementa zelene infrastrukture.
Abstract (english) Green infrastructure, sustainable development, biodiversity, nature protection - these are
just some of the concepts that we encounter in the various discussions and lectures, policies,
projects and programs that promote the so - called. "green approach" and natural solutions to our
social and economic problems.
This thesis explored the concept of the green infrastructure and its application to the
actual (real – life) location. Therefore, in the first part of the thesis, problems and goals, work
methods and important concepts were set and defined. Through the review of the current,
European level documentation, there was a clear cognition of the importance of green
infrastructure. The development and possible application of green infrastructure in Croatia was
observed through lectures and workshops.
The second part of the thesis related to the implementation of the green infrastructure in
the actual (real life) location. Defining the green infrastructure as a concept and a mean to
improve the human environment, as the European institutions currently do, led to focusing on the
possible approach of planning the green infrastructure throughout the Krapina city. The rivers
are an important element of green infrastructure. Therefore, the Krapinčica river was recognized
and picked within the territorial - administrative boundaries of the Krapina city. By using the
method of analysis, the existing infrastructure systems (grey and blue infrastructure) of the
Krapina city were presented, with a clear overview (display) of the landscape typology.
Aformentioned work methodology and analysis resulted in the development of the
guidelines for further development of the Krapina city, with a focus on the physical and thematic
linking of the urban and rural parts of the city by way of the green infrastructure concept, with the
Krapinščica river as an important element of it.
zelena infrastruktura
rijeka Kapinščica
tipologija krajobraza
Europske institucije
Keywords (english)
green infrastructure
the Kapinščica river
landscape typology
European institutions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:226077
Study programme Title: Landscape Architecture Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka krajobrazne arhitekture (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka krajobrazne arhitekture)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-06-09 08:53:26