Abstract | Permakulturu prate mnoge definicije, a jedna od njih bila bi da je to interdisciplinarna znanstvena disciplina koja za cilj ima voditi brigu o ljudima i Zemlji uz ograničavanje potrošnje te pravednu raspodjelu viškova. Ona predstavlja i način života u kojem se stvara uravnotežena zajednica ljudi i okoliša. Njena načela uglavnom podržavaju upotrebu obnovljivih izvora energije, učinkovito upravljanje vodama, poboljšanje svojstava tla na što prirodniji način, učinkovitu gradnju prebivališta, upotrebu materijala koje možemo naći u neposrednoj okolini, sadnju biljaka od kojih imamo više različitih koristi (zaštita, hrana, dekoracija i sl.). Vrtlarstvo kao jedan segment u permakulturi ima za cilj proizvesti vlastitu hranu i podmiriti potrebe vlastitog kućanstva čime se smanjuje potreba za kupnjom namirnica te samim time i utroškom ostalih sredstava potrebnih da se do njih dođe. Da bi iz vrta dobili maksimum potrebno ga je pomoću raznih alata dobro smjestiti, a to ovisi o karakteristikama krajolika u kojem se vrt nalazi. Nakon toga slijedi izrada vrta čiji oblik ovisi isključivo o vlastitoj kreativnosti. Vrt se može posaditi u gredice ili gilde, njih se pak može smjestiti na balkon, prozor, dvorište, zelene gradske površine i slično. Potrebno se pridržavati određenih pravila što se tiče pripreme tla za sjetvu/sadnju, gnojidbe, njege usjeva, prihrane, prevencije pojave bolesti i štetnika te odabira biljnih vrsta. No, ako je vrtlar snalažljiv i voljan učiti, u permakulturi je sve moguće realizirati. |
Abstract (english) | Permaculture is accompanied by many definitions, one of which would be that it is an interdisciplinary scientific discipline which takes care of humans and the Earth together with fair distribution of surpluses and limited consumption. It is also a way of life which creates a balanced community between people and environment. Its principles mainly support the use of renewable energy sources, efficient water management, improving soil properties in the most natural way, efficient construction of homes, the use of materials found in the immediate environment, planting plants with many different uses (protection, food, decoration, etc.). Gardening, as one segment in permaculture, aims to produce its own food and meet the needs of its own household, thus reducing the need to buy groceries and thus spending other resources needed to reach them. In order to get the most out of the garden, it must be well positioned with help of various tools. This depends on the characteristics of the landscape in which the garden is located. This is followed by the creation of a garden whose shape depends solely on one's own creativity. The garden can be planted in agricultural beds or guilds and they can be placed on a balcony, window, courtyard, green urban areas and similar places. Some rules must be observed regarding the preparation of soil for sowing/planting, fertilization, crop care, nutrition, prevention of diseases and pests and for the selection of plant species. But if the gardener is resourceful and willing to learn, anything can be realized in permaculture. |