Abstract | Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj dodatka 0,5 i 1 % mikroalgi (Schyzochytrium limacinum) u hranu kokoši nesilica na senzorna svojstva jaja. U istraživanju je korišteno 36 TETRA-SL brown nesilica u dobi od 35 do 43 tjedna koje su bile podijeljene slučajnim odabirom u tri hranidbena tretmana. Svaki tretman proveden je na četiri kokoši u tri ponavljanja držanih pojedinačno u kavezima na podu od žičane mreže. Tijekom pokusa kokoši kontrolnog tretmana (A) hranjene su komercijalnom smjesom, dok su kokoši u pokusnim tretmanima hranjene istom smjesom uz dodatak 0,5 (tretman B) i 1 % mikroalgi (tretman C). Senzorna analiza provedena je nakon 8 tjedana hranidbe kokoši primjenom triangl i hedonističkog testa na žumanjcima kuhanih jaja. Senzorni analitičari (n=19) bili su prethodno educirani te upućeni izvedbu triangl testa i hedonističkog testa. Dobiveni podaci triangl testa obrađeni su izračunom statističke značajnosti bazirane na broju točnih odgovora u odnosu na ukupan broj odgovora, dok su podaci hedonističkih testova obrađeni pomoću analize varijance s LSD testom za usporedbu tretmana. Uočljivu razliku između tretmana A i C iskazalo je 12 od 19 ocjenjivača (63,2 %) što predstavlja i statistički značajnu razliku (P<0,01). Analitičari su naveli uočljive razlike u okusu žumanjka u 57,9 % slučajeva, u boji žutanjka u 26,3 % slučajeva, i u teksturi žutanjka u 15,8 % slučajeva, dok razlike u mirisu žutanjka nisu iskazane. Ukupna dopadljivost i prihvatljivost mirisa nisu bili značajno različiti između tretmana (P>0,05). Izraženost boje žutanjka tretmana A iznosila je 3,05, tretmana B 3,63, a tretmana C 3,74, pri čemu je utvrđena statistički značajna razlika između tretmana A i C (P<0,05). Ovim istraživanjem utvrđen je pozitivan učinak dodatka 1 % mikroalgi na izraženost boje žutanjka bez značajnog utjecaja na ostala svojstva što upućuje na opravdanost dodavanja mikroalgi u hranu za kokoši nesilice. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this paper was to determine the influence of supplementing 0.5 and 1% microalgae (Schyzochytrium limacinum) in laying hen feed on egg sensory traits. In this study, 36 TETRA-SL brown hens in the age of 35 to 43 weeks were used and divided randomly in three feed treatments. Each treatment was performed on four hens in three replications which were individually caged on wire-mesh floor. During the experiment, hens in control treatment (A) were fed with a commercial mixture, while hens in experimental treatments were fed with the same mixture supplemented with 0.5 (treatment B) and 1% microalgae (treatment C). Sensory analysis was performed after 8 weeks of chicken feeding by triangle and hedonic tests on cooked egg’s yolks. Assessors (n=19) have been trained previously and were instructed in the triangle test and hedonic test. The obtained data from triangle test were further evaluated by computing statistical significance based on the number of correct responses in relation to the total number of responses, while hedonic test data were evaluated by the analysis of variance with the LSD test for treatment comparison. The perceptible difference between treatments A and C was found by 12 out of 19 evaluators (63.2%), which also represents a statistically significant difference (P<0.01). Assessors indicated that there were noticeable differences in yolk taste in 57.9% of cases, in yolk color in 26.3% cases, and in yolk texture in 15.8% cases, while differences in yolk odor were not reported. Overall likeability and odor acceptability were not significantly different between treatments (P>0.05). The yolk color expression of treatment A was 3.05, of treatment B 3.63 and of treatment C 3.74, with a statistically significant difference between treatment A and C (P<0.05). With this research a positive effect of the addition of 1% microalgae on the yolk color expression was determined without any significant influence on other traits indicating the justification of supplementing microalgae to the feed for the laying hens. |