Abstract | Orošivači su danas sve češće korišteni, no kao i svaki drugi uređaj za primjenu pesticida, oni moraju funkcionirati u potpunosti ispravno kako bi se pesticidi mogli točno i precizno distribuirati. Kod uređaja starijeg datuma proizvodnje često dolazi do nepotpune tehničke ispravnosti samog uređaja. Testiranjem različitih karakteristika orošivača, od kojih je protok pumpe najbitniji, želi se utvrditi utjecaj protoka pumpe i starosti uređaja na kvalitetu rada. Testiranje je provedeno u Sloveniji u Školskom centru Šentjur na 30 traktorskih nošenih orošivača. Za to istraživanje koristila se razna oprema (menzura, manometar, uređaj za mjerenje protoka, crijeva i slično) koji su uvelike pomogli kako bi se dobili točni rezultati koji će se analizirati. Testiranje se radilo na uređajima marke Agromehanika te marke Zupan. Orošivači Agromehanike, na testiranju, imali su BM 2 i BM 65/30 pumpu dok su orošivači marke Zupan imali BM 2 pumpe i AR 30. Na ovih 30 uređaja ispitivao se protok pumpe, starost uređaja, zapremina spremnika te sve ostalo bitno za ispravnost uređaja. Na kraju istraživanja moglo se zaključiti kako starost ne mora nužno utjecati na kvalitetu rada uređaja ukoliko se on redovito održava. S druge strane protok pumpe utječe na kvalitetu rada samog orošivača jer čim je veće odstupanje između izmjerenog i nazivnog protoka pumpe, dolazi do prekomjernog trošenja pesticida ili nedovoljno efikasnog tretiranja nasada. Uz to se može zaključiti kako protok pumpe te starost i ispravnost uređaja mogu značajno utjecati na troškove prilikom korištenja. |
Abstract (english) | Atomizers are frequently used today; however, like any other pesticide-applying equipment, they must function properly so that pesticides can be applied correctly and precisely.
When it comes to older machines, one might often encounter faulty devices. By testing various atomizer possibilities – where pump flow emerges as the most important – one would like to claim that the pump flow and the machine age might affect its working quality.
Some tests have been done in Slovenia in the Šentjur School Centre with 30 tractor-mounted atomizers. Various equipment was used, such as manometers, gauges, flow measuring devices, hoses etc. This was extremely helpful since exact results had been measured and analyzed.
Testing was conducted on Agromehanika and Zupan devices. Agromehanika atomizers, while tested, used a BM 2 and a BM 65/30 pump, while Zupan atomizers had the BM 2 and AR 30 pumps. These thirty atomizers checked pump flows, machine age, its capacity as well as all other important qualities a properly working device has.
After these test, a conclusion was reached that old machines do not always affect the working quality, under the condition that the machine is properly serviced. On the other hand, pump flow does influence the atomizer working quality, because if the variance between the measured and the named pump flow is too big, exaggerated pesticide application occurs or plantations are not covered efficiently enough.
Therefore, one can conclude that pump flow and machine age, as well as the good working order, can significantly affect the expenses while using it. |