Title Konkurentnost hrvatske poljoprivrede u Europskoj uniji
Title (english) Competitiveness of Croatian Agriculture in the European Union
Author Vanesa Vidaković
Mentor Ramona Franić (mentor)
Committee member Ramona Franić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivo Grgić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Njavro (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihana Kovačićek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Agricultural Economics and Rural Development) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Ulaskom Hrvatske u Europsku uniju poljoprivrednicima se otvorilo tržište od preko petsto milijuna potrošača i mnogobrojne prilike za povlačenje sredstava iz EU fondova za ulaganje u modernizaciju poljoprivrednih gospodarstava ili kao vjetar u leđa za mlade poljoprivrednike. Iako je članstvo u EU omogućilo mnogobrojne pogodnosti poljoprivrednim proizvođačima kao što je bescarinski pristup tržištima zemalja članica (što je djelomično bilo uređeno Sporazumom o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju 2001. godine), Hrvatska je napuštajući Srednjoeuropski ugovor o slobodnoj trgovini (CEFTA) izgubila pravo na povoljne uvjete izvoza proizvoda na tržište zemalja koje su ujedno i njeni najvažniji trgovinski partneri (zemlje bivše Jugoslavije). Poljoprivreda Hrvatske je i prije članstva u EU bila nekonkurentna, a pretpostavka istraživanja je kako prve godine članstva nisu rezultirale povećanjem konkurentnosti. Koristeći pokazatelje pokrivenosti uvoza izvozom (PUI), relativnog vanjskotrgovinskog salda (RVS) te indeksa otkrivene komparativne prednosti (RCA indeks) utvrđene su promjene u vanjskoj trgovini te konkurentnost odabranih poljoprivrednih proizvoda u razdoblju od 2002. do 2016. godine. Republika Hrvatska je prije ulaska u EU bila nekonkurentna u većini promatranih sektora, kao konkurentni izdvajaju se sektor žitarica i sektor šećera. Nakon ulaska u EU stanje se nije previše promijenilo, pozitivan trend se nastavlja za sektor žitarica i sektor šećera, a 2014. je prvi put konkurentan i sektor proizvoda od žitarica, brašna i tjestenina te od 2015. i sektor živih životinja. Istraživanjem je djelomice potvrđena hipoteza da nije bilo promjena u konkurentnosti u prvim godinama članstva u EU. Promjene se nisu dogodile u svim sektorima, ali ne možemo zanemariti činjenicu da su dva sektora postala konkurentna.
Abstract (english) With Croatia's accession to the European Union, a market of over five hundred million consumers has opened up to farmers as well as numerous opportunities to withdraw funds from EU to invest in modernizing farms or as help for young farmers to start their own business. Although EU membership has provided many benefits to farmers, such as duty-free access to Member States markets (which was partially regulated by Stabilization and Association Agreement since 2001.), Croatia has, leaving CEFTA, lost its right to favorable conditions for exporting products to the CEFTA countries that are also, its most important trading partners (countries of the former Yugoslavia). Croatian agriculture was non-competitive even before EU membership and the research assumption is that the first years of membership did not result in increased competitiveness. Indicators of export-import coverage, relative foreign trade balance and the revealed comparative advantage index (RCA) showed changes in foreign trade and the competitiveness of selected agricultural products in the period from 2002. to 2016.. Before accession to the EU, the Republic of Croatia was uncompetitive in most of the observed sectors, with the cereals and sugar sectors being the most competitive ones. After accession to the EU, the situation has not changed much, a positive trend continues for the cereals and sugar sector. In 2014. the cereals, flour and pasta sector is competitive and in 2015. the live animals sector is also competitive for the first time. The study partially confirmed the hypothesis that there were no changes in competitiveness in the first years of EU membership. The changes have not occurred in all sectors, but we cannot neglect the fact that the two sectors have become competitive.
pokrivenost uvoza izvozom
relativni vanjskotrgovinski saldo
indeks otkrivene komparativne prednosti
Keywords (english)
export-import coverage
relative foreign trade balance
revealed comparative advantage index
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:976861
Study programme Title: Agribusiness and Rural Development Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka agrobiznisa i ruralnog razvitka (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka agrobiznisa i ruralnog razvitka)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-11-30 11:10:01