Abstract | Američka borovnica (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) je u pogledu agroekoloških uvjeta zahtjevna, no uz pravilno podizanje i njegu nasada, a ponajprije odabir adekvatnih sorata profitabilna voćna vrsta. Na području Cetingrada nalazi se nasad američke borovnice u ekološkom uzgoju sa četiri sorte, te još 10 sorata u pokusnom dijelu nasada. Praćenjem morfoloških karakteristika i fenoloških faza svih 14 sorata zabilježene su i prikazane sortne karakteristike. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata doneseni su zaključci kako bi se utvrdilo koje su sorte najpogodnije za uzgoj na tom području. Opis morfoloških karakteristika sorata borovnice praćen je prema UPOV (International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants) deskriptoru za borovnicu. Fenologija sorata praćena je prema BBCH (Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt und CHemosche Industrie) skali. Sorte Darrow, Patriot i Spartan prve su završile sa cvatnjom, pa tako i razvojem plodova. Sorte Bonus, Darrow, Duke, Patriot i Spartan pokazale su brži razvoj plodova od ostalih sorata. Sorta Duke prva je bila zrela za branje plodova te joj je najduže trajao period berbe, pa se tako pokazala vrlo pogodnom sortom za uzgoj. Sorte Duke, Bluecrop, Ivanhoe, Patriot, Spartan i Toro pokazale su se pogodnima za ekološki uzgoj na području Cetingrada obzirom da su najranije započele sa zriobom plodova te im je najduže trajao period kada su plodovi bili zreli za branje, a plodovi kod navedenih sorata su veliki. |
Abstract (english) | American blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) is demanding for cultivation in terms of agroecological conditions, but with proper planting and care of plantation, primarily the selection of an adequate cultivars is profitable fruit species. In the area of Cetingrad, there is a plantation of American blueberry in organic cultivation with four cultivars, and ten more cultivars in the experimental part of the plantation. By monitoring the morphological and phenological characteristics of all 14 cultivars, unique characteristics were recorded and presented in this paper, and based on the obtained results, a conclusion was made to determine which cultivars are most suitable for cultivation in this area. The description of the morphological characteristics of the blueberry cultivar was followed according to the UPOV (International Union for the Protection of New Plant Species) descriptor for the blueberry. The phenology of the cultivars was monitored according to BBCH (Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt und CHemosche Industrie) scale. Cultivars Darrow, Patriot and Spartan were the first to finish flowering, and thus fruit growth. Cultivars Bonus, Darrow, Duke, Patriot and Spartan indicated fastest fruits growth than other cultivars. The cultivar Duke was the first to be ripe for picking fruit, and it lasted the longest during the harvest period, so it proved to be a very suitable cultivar. Cultivars Duke, Bluecrop, Ivanhoe, Patriot, Spartan and Toro showed benefits for organic cultivation in the area of Cetingrad, since they started ripening the earliest and had the longest period when the fruits were ripe for picking, and the fruits are in these cultivars big. |