Title Krajobraz samoodrživih hotela
Title (english) Landscape of sustainable hotels
Author Lana Filipović
Mentor Ines Hrdalo (mentor)
Committee member Ines Hrdalo (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Petra Pereković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Borka Bobovec (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Ornamental Plants, Landscape Architecture and Garden Art) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Samoodrživost je sve popularniji pojam koji se javlja u raznim granama gospodarstva, pa tako i u ugostiteljstvu. Hoteli kao institucije koje rade svaki dan u godini, 0-24h stvaraju veći utjecaj na okoliš nego zgrade sličnih proporcija. Kada je riječ o samoodrživim hotelima radi se o dugoročnom cilju, očuvanju kulturne baštine, očuvanju okoliša te uštedi neobnovljivih izvora energije. Do problema dolazi zbog needuciranosti šire publike o samoodrživosti, nedovoljnoj količini financijskih sredstava i/ili nezainteresiranosti. Treba uzeti u obzir da svijest o potrebi očuvanja okoliša raste i među turistima, što znači da sve više raste i potražnja za ovakvim hotelima. Održivi hotel je prije svega dizajniran u skladu s konceptom zelenog graditeljstva te se bazira na očuvanju energije, vode, okoliša i ostalih resursa, nastao kao rezultat implementacije održivog razvoja na turizam. Postoji niz certifikata samoodrživosti koji se dodjeljuju takvim hotelima kao znak odgovornog i održivog poslovanja, no nisu nužno svi održivi hoteli certificirani. Krajobraz hotela igra veliku ulogu u doživljaju samoga hotela, doprinoseći njegovoj samoodrživosti, pa tako jedan održivi hotel vodi računa i o svom krajobrazu. Bio krajobraz samoodrživ ili ne, bitan je dio ugostiteljskog objekta poput hotela i resorta, a činjenica da je samoodrživ može imati samo još više pozitivnih efekata. Kroz nekoliko primjera iz prakse su navedene teorijske postavke održivih hotela i njihovih krajobraza.
Abstract (english) Sustainability is an increasingly popular term that occurs in various branches of the economy, including in the hospitality industry. Hotels as institutions that operate every day of the year, 0-24h, create more environmental impact than buildings of similar proportions. When it comes to sustainable hotels, this is a long-term goal, preserving cultural heritage, preserving the environment and saving non-renewable sources of energy. The problem arises due to the need to educate the wider audience about sustainability, insufficient financial resources and
/ or lack of interest. It should be considered that awareness of the need for environmental protection is increasing among tourists, which means that the demand for such hotels is also increasing. The sustainable hotel is primarily designed in accordance with the concept of green building and is based on the conservation of energy, water, environment and other resources, created as a result of the implementation of sustainable development on tourism. There are a number of sustainability standards and certification that are awarded to such hotels as a sign of responsible and sustainable business, but not all sustainable hotels are certified. The landscape of the hotel plays a big role in the experience of the hotel itself, contributing to its sustainability, and thus a sustainable hotel takes care of its landscape. Whether the landscape is sustainable or not, it is an essential part of a hospitality industry such as a hotels and resorts, and the fact that it is sustainable can only have even more positive effects. Through several examples of practice, the theoretical settings of sustainable hotels and their landscapes are described and analysed.
eko certifikati
Keywords (english)
eco certification
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:666547
Study programme Title: Landscape Architecture Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka krajobrazne arhitekture (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka krajobrazne arhitekture)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2020-10-06 11:00:17