Title Bioraznolikost entomofaune krumpira
Title (english) Biodiversity of potato entomofauna
Author Kristina Žganec
Mentor Darija Lemić (mentor)
Committee member Darija Lemić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Čačija (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Pajač Živković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Department of Agricultural Zoology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Krumpir je jedan od najznačajnijih poljoprivredno prehrambenih proizvoda, te se koristi u prehrani ljudi, industriji i ishrani stoke. Zbog njegove intenzivnije proizvodnje, dolazi do sve veće pojave štetnika. Uz krumpirovu zlaticu, štete na krumpiru pričinjavaju rovac, žičnjaci, grčice hrušta, lisne uši, krumpirov moljac. Ishranom i aktivnošću na krumpiru, štetnici mogu značajno narušiti kvalitetu gomolja, te uništiti velik dio uroda. Osim štetnika, krumpir nastanjuju i brojne druge vrste, odnosno korisna i indiferentna fauna. Takve vrste imaju važnu ulogu u reguliranju populacije štetnika, stoga su važne u svakom usjevu. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi sastav, brojnost i cenološke karakteristike entomofaune krumpira na pokušalištu Agronomskog fakulteta. Entomofauna je prikupljana korištenjem malaise klopke. Malaise klopka specijalizirana je klopka (izgledom slična šatoru) za praćenje prvenstveno kukaca koji lete. Ulovi su pregledavani jednom tjedno tijekom cijelog perioda vegetacije krumpira (ukupno 15 pregleda počevši od sadnje pa do vađenja krumpira). Prikupljena entomofauna razvrstana je u redove i determinirana do vrste gdje je to bilo moguće. Kada je utvrđena brojnost redova, utvrđene su njihove cenološke karakteristike, dominantnost i učestalost. Kroz period istraživanja, ukupno je prikupljeno 12 890 jedinki člankonožaca. Najveći udio prikupljene faune činili su pripadnici razreda Insecta (12 790 jedinki). Osim njih, utvrđeni su pripadnici razreda Arachnida i to u brojnosti od 100 jedinki. Najveću brojnost prikupljene faune razreda Insecta činile su jedinke reda Diptera (6 469 jedinki). Sva utvrđena entomofauna svrstana je prema određenim karakteristikama u skupine štetnih, korisnih i indiferentnih jedinki. Od ukupnog broja utvrđene entomofaune najveći broj čine štetne jedinke (53 %), zatim korisne jedinke (38 %) i najmanje je bilo indiferentne faune (9 %).
Abstract (english) Potatoes are one of the most important agricultural food products, used in human diet, industry and cattle feeding. Due to its more intensive production, there is growing occurrence of pests. In addition to the potato beetle, damage to potatoes is caused by mole crickets, wireworms, white grubs (cockchafer), aphids, and potato moth. By feeding and their activity on potatoes, pests can significantly impair the quality of tubers, and destroy much of the crop. Other than pests, potatoes are affecteced by many other species, useful and indifferent species. Such species play an important role in regulating the pest population, so they are important in every crop. The aim of this study was to determine the composition, abundance and ecological characteristics of potato entomofauna at the experimental area of the Faculty of Agriculture. Entomofauna was collected using a Malaise trap. The Malaise trap is a specialized trap (tent-like appearance) for tracking primarily flying insects. Catches were inspected once a week throughout the study period (a total of 15 inspections starting from planting to potato extraction). The collected entomofauna was sorted into orders and determined to species where possible. When the number of orders was determined, their ecological characteristics, dominance and frequency were determined. During the research period, a total of 12 890 arthropod individuals were identified. The largest share of the collected fauna were members of the class Insecta (12 790 individuals). In addition, members of the class Arachnida were identified in the number of 100 individuals. The largest number of collected insect fauna consisted of individuals of order Diptera (6 469 individuals). All identified entomofauna was classified according to certain characteristics into groups of harmful, beneficial and indifferent individuals. Of the total number of identified entomofauna, the largest number consisted of harmful individuals (53 %), followed by beneficial (38 %) and indifferent individuals (9 %).
korisna entomofauna
indiferentna entomofauna
Keywords (english)
insect pests
indifferent entomofauna
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:469722
Study programme Title: Phytomedicine Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka fitomedicine (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka fitomedicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-10-09 11:32:47