Abstract | U radu je prikazano brojno, ali i proizvodno stanje goveda u Republici Hrvatskoj. Broj goveda u Hrvatskoj svake godine pada, pri čemu raste uvoz teladi koja se koriste u tovu. U Hrvatskoj najviše prevladava Simentalska pasmina koja je kombinira i u tovu daje dobre proizvodne rezultate. Od mesnih pasmina najviše ima Angusa, Charolais i Hereford, a osim toga sve se više uvoze i goveda Charolais, Limousin i Salers pasmine koji se drže na ekstenzivnom sustavu krava-tele gdje čitavo vrijeme borave na paši. Nadalje, u radu su analizirani hranidbeni pokusi u tovu goveda provedeni različito, ovisno o načinu držanja goveda, pasmini i intenzitetu proizvodnje, te se može zaključiti da se hranidba goveda u tovu Hrvatske provodi na sličan način jer se pri hranidbi najviše koristi kukuruz kao glavna komponenta u različitom obliku (silaža, zrno). Prednosti naših gospodarstvu i tova goveda u Hrvatskoj je ta da proizvodimo vrlo kvalitetna grla koja su tražena na inozemnom tržištu. Naša srednje velika gospodarstva proizvode vlastite krmne smjese i formuliraju obroke koji većim dijelom sadrže kukuruz, čime cjelokupni obrok sadrži veću koncentraciju energije. Višak energije u obroku se pretvara u mast te pri postignutim klaoničnim masama junad sadrži veće količine masnoće, posebice junice, koje su vrlo tražene u pojedinim zemljama (Italija) te starija utovljenja goveda (Libanon). |
Abstract (english) | The paper presents the number and production status of beef cattle in the Republic of Croatia. The number of cattle in Croatia is falling every year, with the import of calves used in fattening growing. In Croatia, the Simmental breed predominates the most, combining it and giving good production results in fattening. Of the meat breeds, Angusa, Charolais and Hereford have the most, and in addition, more and more Charolais, Limousin and Salers cattle are imported, which are kept on an extensive cow-calf system where they stay on pasture all the time. Furthermore, the paper analyzes feeding experiments in cattle fattening conducted differently, depending on the method of keeping cattle, breed and production intensity, and it can be concluded that feeding cattle in Croatian fattening is carried out in a similar way because corn is mostly used as a main component. in different forms (silage, grain). The advantages of our farmers and fattening cattle in Croatia is that we produce very high quality cattle that are in demand on the foreign market. Our medium-sized farms produce their own feed mixtures and formulate meals that contain mostly corn, making the entire meal contain a higher concentration of energy. Excess energy in the meal is converted into fat and with the achieved slaughter masses of cattle contains higher amounts of fat, especially heifers, which are in high demand in some countries (Italy) and older fattening cattle (Lebanon). |