Title Ispitivanje otpornosti na sušu hibrida kukuruza različitih FAO grupa u ranoj vegetativnoj fazi
Title (english) Drought tolerance testing of maize hybrids of different FAO groups in early vegetative phase
Author Lucija Topić
Mentor Snježana Kereša (mentor)
Committee member Snježana Kereša (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Šarčević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivanka Habuš Jerčić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Plant Breeding Genetics, Biometrics and Experimentation) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Kukuruz (Zea mays) je jedna od najznačajnijih ţitarica današnjice. Zbog lakog uzgoja kukuruz se uzgaja diljem svijeta te sve više potiskuje pšenicu i riţu. Osjetljiva je kultura na sušu. Suša je jedan od najvaţnijih abiotskih stresova koji utječe na rast, razvoj i produktivnost biljaka, čime se u velikoj mjeri smanjuje prinos poljoprivrednih kultura širom svijeta. U ranim vegetativnim fazama rasta, kukuruzu je potrebna odreĎena količina vode kako bi se usjev pravilno razvijao te kako bi se
... More odrţala normalna biljna struktura za provoĎenje svih fizioloških i metaboličkih procesa, o kojoj na kraju ovisi potencijalni prinos. Najveće potrebe kukuruza za vodom su neposredno prije metličanja, tijekom svilanja i oplodnje te na početku nalijevanja zrna, a ako se suša javi u tim fazama gubitak prinosa moţe biti do 50%. Zbog navedenih razloga, oplemenjivači tragaju za hibridom koji će u uvjetima suše odrţati stabilan i zadovoljavajući prinos. Cilj ovog istraţivanja je utvrditi tolerantnost na sušu hibrida kukuruza dviju različitih FAO grupa u ranoj vegetativnoj fazi razvoja. Kao biljni materijal korišteno je po osam genotipova (hibrida) kukuruza iz FAO grupe 300 i osam genotipova iz FAO grupe 600, u ranom vegetativnom rastu. Sjeme je naklijavano u komori rasta na 22 °C i fotoperiodu 16 h dan/ 8 h noć. Sedmi dan od sjetve, biljčice su paţljivo odvajane i presaĎivane u plastične cijevi napunjene vermikulitom. Cijevi su poloţene u kade napunjene polovičnom koncentracijom Hoaglad-ove otopine (kontrola) ili iste Hoaglad-ove otopine sa 6 % otopljenog polietilen-glikola (PEG) 8000. Izmjerena je duljina i masa svjeţeg i suhog izdanka i korijena svake biljke te je izračunato i jedno izvedeno svojstvo – efikasnost tolerantnosti na sušu (DTE). Na kraju pokusa bila je uočljiva vrlo velika razlika izmeĎu biljaka uzgojenih u suši i kontroli. Prosječne vrijednosti svojstava pokazuju da su vrijednosti mjerenih svojstava, osim mase suhog korijena, manje u PEG-u nego u kontroli, što znači da je PEG, simulirajući sušu, negativno djelovao na razvoj biljaka. Signifikantne razlike izmeĎu FAO grupe 300 i FAO grupe 600 uočene su za slijedeća svojstva: duljina korijena u PEG-u, duljina izdanka u kontroli i PEG-u te za masu svjeţeg izdanka u kontroli i PEG-u. Promatrajući pojedinačne hibride, genotipovi 8 i 30 su genotipovi koji su u suši zadrţali visoke vrijednosti za veći broj ovdje mjerenih svojstava te ih moţemo smatrati tolerantnima na sušu u fazi ranog vegetativnog rasta. Less
Abstract (english) Maize (Zea mays) is one of the most important cereals of nowadays and is a susceptible crop to drought. Because of its easy cultivation, corn is grown all over the world and is increasingly suppressing wheat and rice. The crop is sensitive to drought. Drought is one of the most important abiotic stress that affects plant growth, development and productivity, greatly reducing the yield of cultivated species worldwide. In the early vegetative stages of growth, maize needs a certain amount
... More of water in order to develop properly and maintain a normal plant structure to carry out all physiological and metabolic processes, on which potential yield ultimately depends. The greatest needs of maize for water are just before brooming, during silking and fertilization, at the beginning of grain filling, and if drought occurs in these stages, the loss of yield can be up to 50%. For these reasons, breeders are looking for a hybrid that will maintain a stable and satisfactory yield under the drought conditions. The aim of this study was to determine the drought tolerance of maize hybrids of two different FAO groups in the early vegetative stage. As plant material eight genotypes (hybrids) of maize from FAO group 300 and eight genotypes from FAO group 600 were used, in early vegetative growth. Seeds were germinated in a growth chamber at 22 ° C and photoperiod 16 h day / 8 h night. On the seventh day after sowing, the plants were carefully separated and transplanted into plastic tubes filled with vermiculite. The tubes were placed in tubs filled with half the concentration of Hoaglad's solution (control) or the same Hoaglad's solution with 6% dissolved polyethylene glycol (PEG) 8000. The length and weight of the fresh and dry roots and shoots of each plant were measured and it was calculated one derived property - drought tolerance efficiency (DTE). At the end of the experiment, a very large difference was observed between plants grown in drought and control. The average values of the properties show that the values of the measured properties, apart from the dry root mass, are lower in PEG than in the control, which means that PEG, simulating drought, had a negative effect on plant development. Significant differences between FAO groups 300 and FAO groups 600 were observed for the following traits: root length in PEG, shoot length in control and PEG and for the weight of the fresh shoots in control and PEG. Observing individual hybrids, genotypes 8 and 30 are genotypes that have retained high values in drought for a number of traits measured here and can be considered drought tolerant in the early vegetative growth phase. Less
FAO grupe
Keywords (english)
FAO groups
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:604364
Study programme Title: Plant Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar / magistra inženjer/inženjerka biljnih znanosti (magistar / magistra inženjer/inženjerka biljnih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-11-17 09:41:28