Title Utjecaj teksture na diferencijalnu poroznost tla
Title (english) Influence of texture on differential soil porosity
Author Lovro Turkalj
Mentor Mario Sraka (mentor)
Committee member Mario Sraka (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Jungić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jerko Gunjača (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Soil Science) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Diferencijalna poroznost tla (odnos između pojedinih kategorija pora) ima vrlo veliki utjecaj na vodozračni režim tla. O diferencijalnoj poroznosti tla ovisi hoće li biljke imati dovoljno zraka i vode za njihov rast i razvoj. Ekološki optimalan odnos mikropora i makropora je 3:2 do 1:1, a da biljke ne oskudijevaju niti vodom, niti zrakom. Tekstura tla je jedan od najvažnijih fizikalnih svojstava svakog tla jer je prvenstveno pokazatelj kvalitete pojedinog tla. Cilj rada je utvrditi utjecaj teksture na diferencijalnu poroznost tla (sadržaj velikih, srednjih i malih pora), konkretno odnos između mikropora i makropora u tlima širokog spektra teksturnih klasa tala. Istraživanje se provelo temeljem postojećih podataka (2060 reprezentativnih horizonata) iz studije izrade Hidropedološke karte Republike Hrvatske, koja obuhvaća slivna područja Drave, Dunava i Save, te primorsko - istarskih i dalmatinskih slivova, a koji se nalaze u arhivi Zavoda za pedologiju, Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Diferencijalna poroznost je određena za svaku teksturnu klasu usporedbom omjera mikropora (pore sa vodom) i makropora (pore sa zrakom). Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju da se s porastom udjela pijeska u tlu povećava kapaciteta tla za zrak, odnosno sadržaj pora većih od 10 μm. Porast udjela gline u tlu uzrokuje povećanje količine vode nepristupačne biljkama, odnosno sadržaja pora manjih od 0,2 μm. Površinski horizonti imaju bolju diferencijalnu poroznost u odnosu na potpovršinske horizonte. Tekstura tla ima značajniji utjecaj na kapacitet tla za vodu, dok je utjecaj na kapacitet tla za zrak manje izražen. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da niti jedna teksturna klasa ne zadovoljava ekološki optimalan odnos mikropora i makropora (3:2 do 1:1), odnosno da je u prirodi on rijetko postignut.
Abstract (english) Differential soil porosity (the relationship between individual pore categories) has a very large impact on the water-air regime. The plants depend on the differential porosity to have enough air and water for their growth and development. The ecologically optimal ratio of micropores and macropores is 3:2 to 1:1, without the plants lacking either water or air. The soil texture is one of the most important physical properties of any soil because it is primarily an indicator of the quality of an individual soil. The research goal is to determine the influence of texture on the differential soil porosity (the content of large, medium, and small pores), specifically the relationship between micropores and macropores in soils of a wide soil texture classes range. The research was conducted based on existing data (2060 representative horizons) from the study of the Hydropedological Map of the Republic of Croatia. It includes the catchment areas of the Drava, Dunav, and Sava, as well as the coastal – Istrian and Dalmatian basins. These data are in the archives of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, specifically in the Department of Pedology. Differential soil porosity was determined for each texture class by comparing the ratio of micropores (water pores) and macropores (air pores). The obtained results indicate that the increase in the amount of sand in the soil increases the air capacity, in other words, a pore content greater than 10 μm. An increase in the proportion of clay in the soil causes an increase in the amount of water inaccessible to plants, in other words, a pore content of less than 0.2 μm. Surface horizons have better differential porosity compared to subsurface horizons. Soil texture has a more significant impact on soil water capacity, while the impact of soil air capacity is less pronounced. The results of the research show that the texture classes do not satisfy the ecologically optimal ratio of micropores and macropores (3: 2 to 1: 1), in nature the optimal ratio of micro and macro pores is rarely achieved.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:789565
Study programme Title: Agroecology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka agroekologije (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka agroekologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-10-07 07:47:59