Title Osjetljivost repine pipe (Bothynoderes punctiventris Germar 1824) na insekticide
Title (english) Sensibility of sugar beet weevil (Bothynoderes punctiventris Germar 1824) to insecticides
Author Iris Butković
Mentor Renata Bažok (mentor)
Committee member Renata Bažok (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Čačija (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Milan Pospišil (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Agricultural Zoology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-08-31, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Repina pipa (Bothynoderes punctiventris Germar 1824, Coleoptera: Curculionidae) predstavlja najznačajnijeg štetnika šećerne repe na području istočne Hrvatske. Suzbijanje se može provesti različitim metodama, ali se ono temelji na primjeni insekticida koji često ne pružaju zadovoljavajuće rezultate. Zbog specifične morfološke građe i velikog kapaciteta ishrane te male lisne površine biljaka u vrijeme primjene insekticida, zadovoljavajući učinak insekticida često izostaje te se provode višekratna tretiranja. Intenzivna upotreba insekticida promijenila je osjetljivost jedinki unutar populacije te postoji bojazan od nastanka rezistentnosti. Da bi se izbjegle ili barem ublažile negativne posljedice koje pojava rezistentnosti može izazvati potrebno je poznavanje statusa osjetljivosti štetnika na insekticide. Tijekom 2019. godine feromonskim mamcima prikupljeno je devet populacija repine pipe u Osječko-baranjskoj županiji. Cilj prikupljanja odraslih pipa bilo je laboratorijsko testiranje osjetljivosti populacija na insekticide iz skupine organofosfornih insekticida, piretroida i neonikotinoida. U očitavanju pokusa utvrđivan je broj živih i mrtvih kukaca te je na temelju utvrđenog mortaliteta izračunata učinkovitost dvostruke doze, preporučene doze i 20 % doze. Temeljem rezultata o učinkovitosti, populacije pipa klasificirane su kao visoko osjetljive, osjetljive, blago rezistentne, rezistentne i visoko rezistentne. Najveću učinkovitost imao je klorpirifos te je 90 % testiranih populacija pokazalo osjetljivost i/ili visoku osjetljivost na navedenu aktivnu tvar. Slabija učinkovitost postignuta je primjenom lambda-cihalotrina te je 90 % testiranih populacija pokazalo određeni stupanj rezistentnosti. Najslabija učinkovitost postignuta je primjenom acetamiprida te je osam populacija pokazalo visoku rezistentnost, a jedna populacija je bila rezistentna. Slaba učinkovitost insekticida ne mora nužno biti posljedica razvijene rezistentnosti, nego može biti posljedica smanjene osjetljivosti repine pipe zbog njezine građe tijela i načina ishrane. Da bi se postigla zadovoljavajuća zaštita šećerne repe od repine pipe, osim primjene dozvoljenih sredstava za zaštitu bilja, potrebno je uključiti i ne-kemijske mjere suzbijanja. Suzbijanje repine pipe koje se temelji samo na primjeni insekticida neće dati zadovoljavajuće rezultate.
Abstract (english) The sugar beet weevil (Bothynoderes punctiventris Germar 1824, Coleoptera: Curculionidae) represents the most significant sugar beet pest of the eastern Croatia's region. It is possible to control it by various methods, but the main tools for control are insecticides which often give very poor results. Due to the specific morphological structure, large feeding capacity and the small leaf area of plants at the time of insecticide application, insecticides often give very poor results and multiple treatments are implemented. Intensive use of insecticides altered the sensibility of beet weevil population and as a result there lies the possibilty that the weevils could become resistent. To avoid or at least mitigate the negative consequences of the resistance, it is neccesary to have good knowledge of pest sensibility to the insecticides. By using the pheromone traps, during the year 2019, nine population of the sugar beet weevil were collected in Osijek-Baranja county. The purpose of the adult sugar beet weevil collection was the laboratory sensibility testing on insecticides from the groups of organophosporus insecticides, piretroides and neonicotinoides. At the experiment reading, the number of the living and dead insects was counted and based on the mortality the efficacy of double dose, recommended dose and 20 % of the dose were calculated. Based on the efficeny results, the sugar beet weevil population were classified as highly sensitive, sensitive, mildly resistant, resistant and highly resistant. The most effective insecticide was chlorpyrifos and the 90 % of the population tested was sensitive and/or highly sensitive to this active substance. Less effective was insecticide lambda-cyhalothrin where 90 % of the tested population demonstrated certain level of resistancy. The weakest resistance was effectuated with acetamiprid where eight population showed high resistance and one population was resistant. The poor efficacy of the insecticide is not necessarily the consequence of the developed resistance but rather the consequence of the diminution of the sugar beet weevils sensitivity due to the specific morphological structure and their feeding capacity. To achieve satisfactory protection of the sugar beet from the sugar beet weevil, apart from permissible usage of plant protection products, the non-chemical control measures should be used.
repina pipa
šećerna repa
Keywords (english)
sugar beet weevil
sugar beet
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:139098
Study programme Title: Phytomedicine Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka fitomedicine (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka fitomedicine)
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Created on 2021-10-18 09:24:06