Title Dorada cvatova lavande u svrhu dobivanja eteričnog ulja
Title (english) Processing lavender flowers with intention of getting essential oil
Author Sara Premužak
Mentor Ana Matin (mentor)
Committee member Mateja Grubor (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Matin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tajana Krička (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Židovec (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Sustainable Technologies and Renewable Energy Sources) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Lavanda je ukrasna, aromatska i ljekovita biljka koja spada u porodicu Lamiaceae (usnače), a potječe iz zapadnog dijela Sredozemlja. Ime je dobila po latinskoj riječi lavare što u prijevodu znači prati, a objašnjava osnovnu namjenu suhog cvijeta i eteričnog ulja. U Hrvatskoj je najrasprostranjenija na otocima Hvaru, Visu i Braču, a unazad nekoliko godina njezin se uzgoj proširio prema kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj i Istri. Lavanda se uzgaja zbog vrlo vrijednog eteričnog ulja koji se dobiva destilacijom cvijeta. Cvijet prave lavande sadrži manji postotak eteričnog ulja, od 0,5 do 1,5 %, a hibridna lavanda sadrži veći postotak eteričnog ulja, od 0,9 do 5 %. Eterično ulje lavande koristi se u ljekovite svrhe, kulinarstvu, kozmetičkoj i farmaceutskoj industriji.
U ovom radu za potrebe istraživanja korišteni su cvjetovi vrste Lavandula angustifolia Hidcote i cvjetovi vrste Lavandula x hybrida Budrovka. Cvjetovi lavande i lavandina sušeni su postupkom dehidracije na trima različitim temperaturama: 40 °C, 50 °C i 60 °C. Tijekom procesa sušenja mjerena je brzina otpuštanja vode iz cvjetova lavande i cvjetova lavandina. Najbrže sušenje postiglo se pri temperaturi od 60 °C. Na svježim i termički dorađenim cvjetovima lavande i lavandina određen je sadržaj vode, pepela i masti. Metodom destilacije vodenom parom određivao se sadržaj eteričnog ulja i hidrolata u svježim cvjetovima lavande i lavandina. Na kraju se na termički dorađenoj stabljici i listu lavande i lavandina utvrđivala energetska vrijednost. Rezultati istraživanja pokazala su kako se porastom temperature smanjuje udio ulja u cvjetovima lavande i cvjetovima lavandina u odnosu na svježi uzorak. Veću početnu vlagu imali su cvjetovi lavandina (58,93 %), dok su cvjetovi lavande imali manju početnu vlagu (67,36 %).
Abstract (english) Lavender is a decorative, aromatic and medicinal plant which falls under the family of Lamiaceae (mints). It originates from the western part of the Mediterranean. It got its name from the Latin word lavare which means „to wash“. Its name explains the basic purpose of the dried flowers and the essential oils. In Croatia it is most commonly found on the islands of Hvar, Vis and Brač. In the past few years the cultivation of the plant has spread more towards the continental parts of Croatia and Istria. Lavender is grown because of the very valuable essential oil made by the distillation of the flower. Flower of the real lavender contains smaller percentage of essential oil (0.5 – 1.5 %) than the hybrid lavender (0.9 – 5 %). Essential oil of lavender is used in medicine, cooking, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. For the research purposes of this paper, the plants used were Lavandula angustifolia Hidcote and a hybrid kind of lavander, Lavandula x hybrida Budrovka. Their flowers were dried using the process of dehydration at three different temperatures (40 °C, 50 °C and 60 °C). The speed of releasing moisture from the flowers of lavender and lavandin were measured throughout the process of drying. The fastest drying was recorded at 60 °C. The amount of water, ash and fat contained in fresh and thermally processed flowers was compared. The amount of essential oils and herbal distillates in fresh and processed lavender and lavandin were determined using the method of steam distillation. Energy value was measured on the thermally processed stem and leaf of lavender and lavandin. The results of the research showed that the increase in temperature decreases the oil content in lavender flowers and lavandina flowers in relation to the fresh sample. Lavandin flowers had higher initial moisture (58.93%), while lavender flowers had lower initial moisture (67.36%).
eterično ulje
Keywords (english)
essential oils
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:368274
Study programme Title: Agricultural Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka poljoprivredne tehnike (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka poljoprivredne tehnike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-12-13 08:31:39