Title Biologija šimširovog moljca (Cydalima perspectalis, Walker) u Republici Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Biology of Box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis, Walker) in Republic of Croatia
Author Matea Šuliček
Mentor Darija Lemić (mentor)
Mentor Helena Virić Gašparić (komentor)
Committee member Darija Lemić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Pajač Živković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Čačija (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Department of Agricultural Zoology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Porijeklom iz Azije, Cydalima perspectalis Walker, šimširov moljac, proširio se čitavim svijetom u kratkom vremenskom razdoblju zbog dobrih adaptacijskih sposobnosti. U Europi je prvi puta zabilježen 2007. u Njemačkoj i Nizozemskoj gdje je unesen na zaraženim sadnicama biljaka šimšira (Buxus sp.). U Hrvatskoj je prvi puta utvrđen u Istri, 2012.. Štete biljkama šimšira nanose gusjenice svih razvojnih stadija. Intenzivno se hrane grizenjem i žvakanjem svih biljnih dijelova uzrokujući defolijaciju, a prilikom jakog napada i smrt biljaka. Šimširovog moljca je lako prepoznati po karakterističnom izgledu krila te zapredcima i svilenim nitima koje radi na granama i listovima šimšira. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi dužinu pojedinog razvojnog stadija odnosno biologiju ovog štetnika u uvjetima kontinentalne Hrvatske te na temelju dobivenih podataka utvrditi optimalne termine suzbijanja. Prikupljeno je ukupno 292 gusjenica s lokaliteta Garešnica nakon prezimljenja na biljkama šimšira (travanj). Prikupljene gusjenice stavljene su u entomološke kaveze. Praćena je dužina razvoja svih stadija moljca tijekom šest mjeseci. Rezultati su pokazali da C. perspectalis iz prezimljenja izlazi i započinje raditi štete početkom travnja. Dijapauza započinje krajem kolovoza. Utvrđeno je da gusjenice ne moraju proći sve razvojne stadije prije kukuljenja. U fazu kukuljice mogu ući u L4 i L5 stadiju. Ovim istraživanjem, u uvjetima kontinentalne Hrvatske, utvrđena je pojava dvije generacije šimširovog moljca godišnje. Na temelju utvrđene biologije, preporučen termin suzbijanja ove vrste je u trenutku izlaska gusjenica iz prezimljenja u travnju u pa sve do svibnja te ponovno u zadnjoj dekadi lipnja pa do prve dekade srpnja kada je prisutna druga generacija gusjenica. Suzbijanjem gusjenica koje izlaze iz prezimljenja smanjuje se brojnost druge generacije. Suzbijanjem druge generacije gusjenica smanjuje se broj leptira druge generacija, a samim time i broj prezimljujuće generacije koja štetne nanosi rano u proljeće iduće godine.
Abstract (english) Originally from Asia, Cydalima perspectalis Walker, the boxwood moth, has spread throughout the world in a short time due to its good adaptability. In Europe, it was first detected in 2007 in Germany and the Netherlands, where it was introduced on infected boxwood seedlings (Buxus sp.). In Croatia, it was found for the first time in 2012 in Istria. Damage to boxwood plants is caused by caterpillars of all developmental stages. They feed intensively by biting and chewing all parts of the plant, which leads to defoliation and, in case of heavy infestation, to the death of the plants. The boxwood moth is easily recognized by the characteristic appearance of its wings and the coccon and silk threads that it attaches to the branches and leaves of the box tree. The aim of the study was to determine the length of a particular developmental stage, i.e. the biology of this pest under the conditions of continental Croatia, and to determine the optimal control conditions based on the obtained data. A total of 292 caterpillars were collected from the locality of Garešnica after overwintering on boxwood plants (April). The collected caterpillars were placed in entomological cages and observed. The length of development of all developmental stages of the moth was observed for six months. The results showed that C. perspectalis emerges from hibernation in early April and begins to cause damage. At the end of August, the diapause begins and thus the activity ends. It has been noted that the caterpillars do not have to go through all stages of development before they pupate. They may reach the pupal stage at stages L4 and L5. The biology of Cydalima C. perspectalis is most affected by temperature and the ratio of light to darkness. In this study, under the conditions of continental Croatia, the occurrence of two generations of the boxwood moth per year was detected. Based on established biology, the recommended period for boxwood borer control is when the caterpillars hatch from hibernation in April to May and again in the last decade of June to the first decade of July, when the second generation of caterpillars appears. Suppression of caterpillars hatching from hibernation reduces the number of second generation caterpillars. Suppression of the second generation of caterpillars reduces the number of second generation butterflies and thus the number of overwintering generation that causes damage in the spring of the next year.
šimširov moljac
razvojni stadiji
Keywords (english)
box tree moth
developmental stages
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:825504
Study programme Title: Phytomedicine Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka fitomedicine (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka fitomedicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-09-27 07:09:54