Title Povezanost stupnja ekonomske slobode i razvoja gospodarstva i poljoprivrede
Author Mirela Makarić
Mentor Lari Hadelan (mentor)
Committee member Lari Hadelan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ornella Mikuš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vjekoslav Par (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Agricultural Economics and Rural Development) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-09-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Danas se brojni ekonomisti bave istraživanjima ekonomskih sustava, procesa i učinaka ekonomske politike, a polaze od pretpostavke da je viši stupanj ekonomskih sloboda preduvjet za brži gospodarski rast i razvitak. U ovom se radu posebna pozornost posvećuje indikatorima ekonomskih sloboda. Istražila se veza između ekonomskih sloboda i ekonomske uspješnosti kao i ekonomskih varijabli u sektoru poljoprivrede. Ekonomska sloboda je važna jer utječe na svaki aspekt života pojedinca. Živjeti u društvu s visokim razinama ekonomske slobode vodi višim prihodima, nižem stupnju siromaštva, i manjoj stopi nezaposlenosti.
Poljoprivredni sektor ubraja se među najzaštićenije sektore svjetske ekonomije. Ova činjenica ide na štetu većini zemalja u razvoju kojima je poljoprivreda vodeća grana u privredi i kojima je na taj način pristup tržištu razvijenih zemalja otežan.
U radu je statističkom metodom korelacije utvrđeno da su određeni elementi u razvoju gospodarstva statistički povezani s ekonomskom slobodom, odnosno u zemljama gdje je ekonomska sloboda viša, veći je BDP po glavi stanovnika, također je manja stopa nezaposlenosti, a i carinske stope kao prepreke slobodnoj trgovini su manje.
Ekonomska sloboda također je povezana i uz razvijenost poljoprivrede, a u tom sektoru se manifestira ne samo kroz slobodu poslovanja, vanjsko-trgovinsku razmjenu nego i kroz niz socio-demografskih faktora koji su u ovom slučaju presudni da bi sama ekonomska sloboda imala utjecaj na poljoprivrednu djelatnost. Značenje ekonomske slobode u poljoprivredi ogleda se kroz rast ukupne proizvodnje – vezano s promjenom njene strukture, udio aktivnih poljoprivrednika u radnoj snazi, doprinos poljoprivrede bruto domaćem proizvodu te zastupljenost poljoprivrednih proizvoda u vanjskotrgovinskoj razmjeni.
Najefikasniji način pomoći siromašnim privredama je upravo promocija ekonomskih sloboda i kapitalizma na globalnom nivou. Stoga ekonomske slobode donose koristi ne samo onima koji ih upražnjavaju i uživaju u njima već i onima koji teže tome da ih ostvare.
Abstract (english) Today, many economists are engaged in the research of economic systems, processes and effects of economic policy, and the presumption is that the higher level of economic freedom a prerequisite for faster economic growth and development. In this paper, special attention is paid to indicators of economic freedom. Explore the relationship between economic freedom and economic performance as well as economic variables in the agricultural sector. Economic freedom is important because it affects every aspect of life of the individual. Living in a society with high levels of economic freedom leads to higher revenues, lower level of poverty, and lower the unemployment rate.
The agricultural sector is among the most protected sectors of the world economy. This fact goes to the detriment of most developing countries where agriculture is the main driver of the economy and which is thus access to markets of developed countries difficult.
The paper is a statistical method of correlation found that certain elements in the development of the economy significantly affects the economic freedom, or in countries where economic freedom is higher, the higher the GDP per capita, it is also lower unemployment rates, and tariff rates as obstacles to free trade are less .
Economic freedom is also connected and next to the agriculture, and the sector is manifested not only through the freedom of commerce, foreign trade, but also through a number of socio-demographic factors in this case are crucial to its own economic freedom had an impact on agricultural activity. The meaning of economic freedom in agriculture is reflected in the growth of total production - associated with the change of its structure, the share of active farmers in the labor force, the contribution of agriculture gross domestic product and representation of agricultural products in foreign trade.
The most effective way to help poor economies is precisely the promotion of economic freedom and capitalism at the global level. Thus economic freedom bring benefits not
only to those who practice them and enjoy them, but also to those who strive to achieve them.
ekonomska sloboda
vanjsko-trgovinska razmjena SUMMARY
Keywords (english)
economic freedom
foreign trade
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:701143
Study programme Title: Agribusiness and Rural Development Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka agrobiznisa i ruralnog razvitka (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka agrobiznisa i ruralnog razvitka)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2016-10-14 10:00:27