Abstract | Tijekom 2021. godine provedeno je istraživanje kvalitete plodova borovnice 'Duke' uzgojene kod Velike Ludine u vlasništvu tvrtke EKO-BERI d.o.o. Na početku cvatnje (16.04.) obavljena je folijarna prihrana željezom u tri različita tretmana (K - kontrola, 0,5 – 25 ml/otopine po biljci i 1- 50 ml otopine po biljci) sa po tri repeticije i to sa Fe-EDHA (Poly-FeedTM). Plodovi su ubrani u optimalnome roku dozrijevanja te su im ispitana pomološka i fizikalno-kemijska svojstva te mineralni sastav. Istraživana pomološka svojstva su masa (g), visina (mm), širina (mm) i indeks oblika ploda. Istraživana fizikalno-kemijska svojstva su tvrdoća (kg/cm2), topljiva suha tvar (°Brix) i pH. Kod mineralnog sastava istraženi su makroelementi (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) te mikroelementi (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu). Istraživanje je pokazalo značajne promjene u nekim istraživanim parametrima, dok u drugim nije došlo do promjene nakon folijarne primjene željeza. Od pomoloških te fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava dodatna primjena željeza utjecala je jedino na tvrdoću koja je bila najmanja u tretmanu 0,5, a najveća u 1. Tretiranje s dodatnim Fe povećalo je količinu makroelemenata N i P te mikroelementa Zn, a smanjio količinu Mn. |
Abstract (english) | During 2021, a study was conducted on the quality of the blueberry 'Duke' grown near Velika Ludina and owned by EKO-BERI Ltd. Foliar application with iron was carried out during the flowerintg (16th of April) in three different treatments (K – control, 0.5 – 25 ml of solution per plant and 1 – 50 ml of solution per plant) with three replications each using Fe-EDHA (Poly-FeedTM). The fruits were harvested at optimal ripening time and their pomological and physico-chemical properties, as well as mineral composition, were tested. The pomological properties investigated were weight (g), height (mm), width (mm), and fruit shape index. The physico-chemical properties investigated were firmness (kg/cm2), soluble solids content (°Brix), and pH. The mineral composition included macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) and micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu). The study showed significant changes in some of the investigated parameters, while in others, there was no change after the foliar application of iron. Regarding the pomological and physico-chemical properties, the additional application of iron only affected firmness, which was the lowest in the 0.5 treatment and the highest in 1. Treatment with additional Fe increased the amount of macronutrients N and P, as well as micronutrient Zn, and decreased the amount of Mn. |