Abstract | Cilj rada bio je utvrditi masu trupa i iznutrica te morfometrijske odlike (duljina trupa i polovice, dubina i širina prsa, opseg i širina butova, duljina potkoljenice, debljina potkožnog masnog tkiva) i masene udjele dijelova trupa nastalih rasjekom izlučenih paških ovaca starosne dobi 5 do 7 godina. Dodatni cilj bio je utvrditi modele za procjenu mase najkvalitetnijih dijelova trupa (buta, slabina, leđa i plećke; BSLP) ovčjeg trupa pomoću morfometrijskih mjera (odlika) primjenom multiple linearne regresije. Ovce su uzgajane na istom gospodarstvu te su držane u identičnim uvjetima hranidbe i smještaja na otoku Pagu. Nakon provedenog klanja i iskrvarenja utvrđena je prosječna klaonička masa paških ovaca koja je iznosila 15,6 kg u rasponu od 12,45 do 21,65 kg. Najveći koeficijenti varijabilnosti utvrđeni su za masu bubrega i zdjelične masti (163 %) te za debljinu potkožnog masnog tkiva (121 %), dok su koeficijenti varijabilnosti morfometrijskih odlika bili vrlo mali, u rasponu od 2,77 do 9,30 %. Navedeno potvrđuje eksterijernu ujednačenost trupa unatoč razlikama u masi trupa koje se mogu pripisati različitom intenzitetu zamašćenosti. Najveći udio u trupu pripada butu s 25,35 %. Koeficijenti varijabilnosti rasjeka trupa paške ovce bili su srednje veličine, u rasponu od 12,53 do 38,02 %. Primjenom linearne multiple regresije izdvojena su tri modela za procjenu prinosa BSLP pomoću morfometrijskih mjera, a sve modele karakterizira veliki prilagođeni koeficijent determinacije u rasponu od 0,9486 do 0,9868. Ustanovljeno je da je model koji uključuje masu trupa, duljinu potkoljenice, širinu buta i dubinu prsa najprimjereniji za procjenu mase najkvalitetnih dijelova trupa paške ovce. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of the work was to determine the weight of the carcass and viscera, as well as morphometric characteristics (length of carcass and halves, depth and width of chest, width of pelvis, circumference and width of buttock, lower leg length, subcutaneous fat thickness) and the weight proportions of the carcass cuts of culled Pag sheep aged 5 to 7 years. Another objective was to determine the models for estimating the weight of the highest quality carcass cuts (buttock, loin, back and shoulder; BSLP) of the sheep carcass using morphometric measures (traits) by multiple linear regression. The sheep were raised on the same farm and kept under identical feeding and housing conditions on the island of Pag. After slaughter and bleeding, the average slaughter weight of Pag sheep was found to be 15.6 kg, ranging from 12.45 to 21.65 kg. The highest coefficients of variability were found for kidney and pelvic fat weight (163%) and for subcutaneous fat thickness (121%), while the morphometric traits had very low coefficients of variability ranging from 2.77 to 9.30%. This confirms the external uniformity of the sheep carcass despite the differences in the carcass weights due to their different fatness degrees. The largest proportion of the carcass belongs to the buttock with 25.35%. The coefficients of variability of carcass cuts of the Pag sheep ranged from 12.53 to 38.02%. Linear multiple regression was used to distinguish three models for estimating the yield of the BSLP using morphometric measures, and all models are characterized by a large adjusted coefficient of determination ranging from 0.9486 to 0.9868. The model including carcass weight, lower leg length, buttock width and chest depth was found to be the most appropriate for estimating the weight of the highest quality carcass cuts of Pag sheep. |