Abstract | U proizvodnji goveđeg mesa u Republici Hrvatskoj najzastupljenija je simentalska pasmina
goveda, a glavninu proizvodnje čini intenzivni tov bikova do dobi od 24 mjeseca. Cilj ovoga
rada bio je ispitati tovna i klaonička svojstva simentalskih bikova iz komercijalnog tova.
Istraživanje je provedeno na grlima (n=60) domaćeg podrijetla utovljenim na farmi u
Poljanskom lugu (Belje d.d.). Dob i masa bikova (srednja vrijednost ± standardna devijacija)
iznosile su 215 ± 8 dana i 276,7 ± 15,0 kg na početku tova i 502 ± 13 dana i 621,2 ± 46,4 kg pri
klanju. Ostvareni prirast grla tijekom tova bio je 344,4 ± 46,1 kg uz dnevni prirast od 1,2 ± 0,2
kg. Klaonička masa iznosila je 369,2 ± 27,8 kg uz neto dnevni prirast od 736 ± 62 grama i
randman od 59,4 ± 1,2 %. Distribucija trupova u EUROP klase bila je slijedeća: 61,7 % E klasa,
33,3 % U klasa i 5 % R klasa. Stupanj prekrivenosti masnim tkivom bio je u pravilu srednji
(98,3 % stupanj 3). Prosječna pH vrijednost iznosila je 5,69 ± 0,11, a parametri boje su bili
sljedeći: L* 39,20 ± 2,91, a* 23,41 ±1,40 i b* 8,13 ± 1,09. |
Abstract (english) | The Simmental breed is the most frequently used beef-breed in Croatia and the majority of
beef is produced by the intensive fattening of bulls under the age of 24 months. This work
aimed to investigate the growth and carcass traits of commercially fattened Simmental bulls.
The research is undertaken on bulls (n=60) of domestic origin fattened at commercial farm
Poljanski lug (Belje d.d.). At the start of the fattening, the age and weight (mean value ±
standard deviation) were 215 ± 8 days and 276.7 ± 15.0 kg while at slaughter they were 502
± 13 days and 621.2 ± 46.4 kg, respectively. The weight gain during the fattening was 344.4 ±
46.1 kg with 1.2 ± 0.2 kg of daily gain. Carcass weight was 369.2 ± 27.8 kg with 736 ± 62
grams of net daily gain of warm carcass weight and 59.4 ± 1.2 % of killing-out percentage.
The distribution of carcases into EUROP classes was as follows: 61.7 % E class, 33.3 % U class
and 5 % R class. Practically all of the carcasses had average fatness (98.3 % of grade 3). The
average pH value was 5.69 ± 0,11, and the color parameters were as follows: L* 39,20 ± 2,91,
a* 23,41 ±1,40 and b* 8,13 ± 1,09. |