Abstract | Zbog otežanog prometa u zimskim mjesecima prometnice se tretiraju raznim
posipalima među kojima je najzastupljenija industrijska sol. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je
utvrditi utjecaj primjene industrijske soli kojom se tretira Sljemenska cesta koja je sastavni
dio zaštićenog područja Parka prirode Medvednice na sadržaj aniona (F-, Cl-, NO2
-, NO3
-, Br-,
2-, PO4
3-) i kationa (Li+, Na+, K+, NH4
+, Ca2+, Mg2+) u tlu. Posebni naglasak stavljen je na
varijabilnost sadržaja natrija i klorida u tlu jer su upravo ti ioni u najvećem postotku sadržani
u industrijskoj soli.
Uzorkovanje tla provedeno je na 18 lokacija po otapanju snijega 11. ožujka 2015. na
točkama uz cestu, te radi usporedbe i na kontrolnim točkama, tlu koje je udaljeno 30 metara
od ceste, ali uvijek na višoj nadmorskoj visini. Ukupno je prikupljeno 36 uzoraka tla. Anioni i
kationi detektirani su u vodenom ekstraktu tla u omjeru 1:10 metodom ionske kromatografije.
Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju da je posipanje prometnice industrijskom soli utjecalo na
značajnu akumulaciju sadržaja klorida (Cl-) i natrija (Na+) u tlu uz cestu u odnosu na
kontrolne uzorke, kao i na smanjenje sadržaja magnezija (Mg2+) u uzorcima tla uz cestu u
odnosu na kontrolne točke. Razlog tomu je povišena akumulacija iona natrija u tlu koji
istiskuju ione magnezija iz tla. Sve navodi na zaključak da su promjene u tlu uz cestu
posljedica antropoloških utjecaja. |
Abstract (english) | Because of the impeded traffic during the winter, roads are treated with various
spreading materials. Among the most common ones is the industrial salt. The aim of this
study was to determine the impact of the industrial salt, its use on the Sljeme road, which is a
part of the protected area of the Park of nature, and its effect on the content of anions (F-, Cl-,
-, NO3
-, Br-, SO4
2-, PO4
3-) and cations (Li+, Na+, K+, NH4
+, Ca2+, Mg2+) in the soil. A
special emphasis was placed on the variability of the content of sodium and chloride in the
soil, since these ions make up the highest percentage contained in the industrial salt.
Soil sampling was conducted on 18 locations after the snow melted, from 11 March
2015 onwards, at different points along the road and, for the comparison and the control
points, the ground which is located 30 meters from the road and always at a higher alititude. A
total of 36 soil samples were collected. Anions and cations were detected by an aqueous
extract of the soil in a ratio of 1:10 by ion chromatography.
The results indicate that the road treatment by industry salt influenced the significant
accumulation of chloride content (Cl-) and sodium (Na+) in the soil by the road compared to
the control samples, as well as reducing the content of magnesium (Mg2+) in the road soil
samples compared to the ones taken at checkpoints. The reason is the increased accumulation
of sodium in the soil that displaces magnesium ions from the said soil. Everything leads to the
conclusion that the changes in the ground along the road are a consequence of human-caused
impact. |