Abstract (croatian) | Cilj rada bio je usporediti proizvodnost i hranidbenu vrijednost fermentirane krme dvaju hibrida sudanske trave s obzirom na prinos krme po jedinici površine te osnovni kemijski sastav i kvalitetu fermentacije krme u silosu. U istraživanju su korištene dvije sorte sudanske trave, sorta Su-Su i sorta Pacific graze. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom vegetacijske sezone 2014. godine na pokusnoj površini pokušališta Maksimir Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Pokošena biljna masa je silirana u laboratorijske silose. Nakon 35 dana od zatvaranja silosa, fermentirana krma je analizirana NIR spektroskopijom na osnovni kemijski sastav i kvalitetu fermentacije, procjenom sadržaja organske tvari (OT), sirovih proteina (SP), neutralnih detergent vlakana (NDV), kiselih detergent vlakana (KDV), metaboličke energije (ME), probavljivosti organske tvari u suhoj tvari (D-vrijednost), razgradivosti sirovih proteina (RSP), faktora konzumacije za ovce i goveda, pH vrijednosti i amonijskog N (NH3-N). Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike između hibrida Pacific graze i Su-su u istraživanim parametrima. Prinos ST hibrida Pacific graze i Su-su je iznosio 11,5 t ha-1 i 12,88 t ha-1 tim slijedom (P>0,409), sadržaj SP 102,3 g kg-1 ST i 103,8 g kg-1 ST tim slijedom (P>0,802), sadržaj NDV 507 g kg-1 ST i 514 g kg-1 ST tim slijedom(P>0.523), D-vrijednost 605 g kg-1 ST i 602 g kg-1 ST tim slijedom (P>0,341), pH vrijednost 4,26 i 4,4 tim slijedom (P>0,193), a sadržaj NH3-N 116 g NH3 kg-1 ukupnog N i 131 g NH3 kg-1 ukupnog N tim slijedom (P>0,254). Zaključeno je da oba hibrida sudanske trave imaju potencijal za proizvodnju fermentirane voluminozne krme visokog prinosa po jedinici površine, a niža hranidbena vrijednost fermentirane krme utvrđena u ovom istraživanju je rezultat kasnijeg roka košnje biljne mase za siliranje. |
Abstract (english) | The objective of the paper was to compare the feeding value of two fermented hybrids of Sudan grass with regard to forage yield, chemical composition and fermentation in the silo. Two varieties of sudan grass, the Su-Su variety and the Pacific graze variety were used in the study. The research was conducted during the growing season in 2014 on the experimental plot of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture. The harvested forage was ensiled into laboratory silo. After 35 days of ensiling, the fermented forage was analyzed by NIR spectroscopy on the chemical composition and the fermentation quality, and there were estimated forage organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acidic detergent fiber (ADF) content, and metabolic energy (ME), digestibility of the organic matter in the dry matter (D-value), crude protein degradability (CPD), intake factor for sheep and cattle, pH value and ammonia N (NH3-N). No statistically significant differences were determined between Pacific Graze and Su-su hybrids in the investigated parameters. The DM yield of hybrids Pacific graze and Su-su was 11.5 t ha-1 and 12.88 t ha-1 respectively (P>0.409), CP content 102.3 g kg-1 DM and 103.8 g kg-1 DM respectively (P>0.802), NDF content 507 g kg-1 DM and 514 g kg-1 DM respectively (P>0.523), D-value 605 g kg-1 DM and 602 g kg-1 DM respectively (P>0.341), pH 4.26 and 4.4 respectively (P>0.193), and NH3-N content 116 g NH3 kg-1 total N and 131 g NH3 kg-1 total N respectively (P>0.254). It was concluded that both Sudan grass hybrids have the potential to produce high-yield fermented forage per unit area while the lower nutritive value of fermented forage in this study was a result of advanced Sudan grass maturity at harvest. |