Abstract | Na otoku Krku prirodno je rasprostranjen veliki broj ljekovitih biljnih vrsta koje se tradicionalno prikupljaju i koriste. Prikupljanje u prirodi može uzrokovati smanjenje brojnosti i raznolikosti ovih biljnih vrsta, stoga se javlja potreba za organiziranom poljoprivrednom proizvodnjom.
Cilj ovog rada je u mnoštvu samoniklih vrsta odabrati ljekovite biljne vrste koje su pogodne za uzgoj u klimatskim uvjetima otoka Krka. Rad je spoj iscrpnog istraživanja stručne literature i vlastitih zapažanja u prirodi, pregleda postojećih poljoprivrednih postrojenja za uzgoj i preradu te svjedočanstvima. Odabrane su sljedeće biljne vrste: dalmatinski buhač, gospina trava, kadulja, lavanda i smilje te su opisana njihova biološka i ljekovita svojstva, tehnologija proizvodnje i prerade. Na taj način su iznesene smjernice za njihovo uvođenje u poljoprivrednu proizvodnju. Nabrojane su najvažnije aktivne tvari odabranih vrsta te najznačajniji proizvodi dobiveni od njih poput kantarionovog ulja, insekticida buhača te eteričnog ulja smilja i lavande.
Napravljen je pregled postojećih proizvodnih kapaciteta za uzgoj smilja, lavande i kadulje na imanjima Immortelle i Kusshh. Opisani su postupci u proizvodnji te proizvodi i prerađevine koji se dobivaju na svakom nasadu. Izneseni su oblici direktne i indirektne prodaje proizvoda. Rezultat rada je prikaz stanja i potencijala uzgoja ljekovitog bilja na otoku Krku. |
Abstract (english) | On the island of Krk, there is a natural abundance of medicinal plant species that are traditionally gathered and used. However, the collection of these plants in the wild can lead to a decrease in their numbers and diversity, thus creating a need for organized agricultural production.
The aim of this thesis is to select medicinal plant species from a variety of wild species that are suitable for cultivation under the climatic conditions of the island of Krk. The work is a combination of comprehensive research of scientific literature and personal observations in nature, as well as an overview of existing agricultural facilities for cultivation and processing, and testimonials. The following plant species have been selected: dalmatian pyrethrum, St. John's wort, sage, lavender, and immortelle. Their biological and medicinal properties, production and processing technologies, are described. In this way, guidelines for their introduction into agricultural production are provided. The most important active substances of the selected species and their significant products such as St. John's wort oil, pyrethrum insecticide, and immortelle and lavender essential oils are listed.
An overview of the existing production capacities for growing immortelle, lavender, and sage on Immortelle and Kusshh estates is provided. The production procedures, as well as the products and processed goods obtained from each plantation, are described. Forms of direct and indirect product sales are presented. The result of the study is a presentation of the current state and potential of medicinal plant cultivation on the island of Krk. |