Abstract | Otok Unije (sjeverni Jadran) površine je oko 17 km2 te spada u eumediteransku zonu te NATURA 2000 područja RH. Zahvaljujući svom smještaju na krajnjem zapadnom dijelu cresko-lošinjskog otočnog niza, ima vrlo povoljna klimatska obilježja. Smatra se da su prva mala poljoprivredna zemljišta na Unijama napravili autohtoni Liburni u godinama prije Krista.
Unije imaju oko 200 hektara bogatog plodnog smeđeg mediteranskog tla koje se prije koristilo u poljoprivredne svrhe dok danas služi kao pašnjak za ispašu. Nekad se na otoku sadila vinova loza no danas je ta mjesta preuzela šuma hrasta crnike (Quercus ilex). Uz hrast crniku na otoku prevladava makija obične borovice (Juniperus communis) i šikare gluhače (Juniperus phoenicea). Veliki dio otoka zauzimaju kamenjarski pašnjaci raščice (Brachypodium ramosum). Na tim kamenjarskim pašnjacima također možemo naći mnogo ljekovitog bilja kao što su lovor (Laurus nobilis), origano (Ocimum basilicum), ružmarin (Rosmarinus officinalis), majčina dušica (Taraxacum officinale) i ostalo. Maslinici su prije zauzimali veliki dio otoka te je proizvodnja maslinovog ulja bila velika, no danas je taj posao zapostavljen kao i maslinici. 2021. godine počela je obnova starih, zapuštenih maslinika.
Za pravilno očuvanje i održavanje staništa potrebno je poznavanje vegetacije koja nastanjuje prostor te njen prostorni razmještaj. U ovom radu su inventarizirana i kartirana staništa na području otoka Unije, unutar NATURA 2000 mreže staništa. Također su inventarizirate biljne svojte u svrhu analize trenutnog biljnog pokrova.
Prostorno su zonirana staništa, što omogućava bolje upravljanje prirodnim vrijednostima te posljedično davanje smjernica za pravilno upravljanje staništima s posebnim naglaskom na NATURA 2000 staništa.
Prikazana je karta staništa, čiji rezultat obuhvaća tipizaciju staništa i važnih vrsta usklađenu prema Nacionalnoj Klasifikaciji Staništa NKS. |
Abstract (english) | The island of Unije (northern Adriatic) has an area of about 17 km2 and belongs to the eumediterranean zone and the NATURA 2000 area of the Republic of Croatia. Thanks to its location on the westernmost part of the Cres-Lošinj island chain, it has very favorable climatic characteristics. It is believed that the first small agricultural lands in the Union were made by the indigenous Liburni in the years before Christ.
Unije has about 200 hectares of rich, fertile brown Mediterranean soil that was previously used for agricultural purposes, while today it serves as pasture for grazing. Vines used to be planted on the island, but today those places have been taken over by a forest of holm oak (Quercus ilex). In addition to the holm oak, the maquis of common pine (Juniperus communis) and thickets of juniper (Juniperus phoenicea) predominate on the island. A large part of the island is occupied by rocky pastures of Brachypodium ramosum. On these dry pastures we can also find many medicinal plants such as laurel (Laurus nobilis), oregano (Ocimum basilicum), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), thyme (Taraxacum officinale) and others. Olive groves used to occupy a large part of the island and the production of olive oil was large, but today this work is neglected as well as the olive groves. In 2021, the restoration of the old, neglected olive groves began.
For the proper preservation and maintenance of the habitat, knowledge of the vegetation that inhabits the space and its spatial distribution is necessary.
In this final work, the habitats on the island of Unije, within the NATURA 2000 network of habitats, were inventoried and mapped. Plant taxa were also inventoried for the purpose of analyzing the current plant cover.
Habitats are spatially zoned, which enables better management of natural values and consequently, the provision of guidelines for proper management of habitats with special emphasis on NATURA 2000 habitats.
A habitat map is presented, the result of which includes the typification of habitats and important species harmonized according to the National Classification of Habitats NKS. |