Title Mikropropagacija hrvatskih autohtonih sorata vinove loze in vitro
Author Gea Janušić
Mentor Jasminka Karoglan-Kontić (mentor)
Committee member Jasminka Karoglan-Kontić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Edi Maletić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Karoglan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zvjezdana Marković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Viticulture and Enology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy Viticulture and Enology
Abstract Autohtone sorte Plavac mali, Maraština, Pošip i Škrlet imaju gospodarsku ulogu u hrvatskom vinogradarstvu no donedavno nisu bile odgovarajuće zastupljene u vinogradarskoj proizvodnji. U posljednjih desetak godina povećao se interes za očuvanjem autohtonog sortimenta stoga je i započet proces gospodarske revitalizacije istog. Kod sorata Plavac mali, Maraština, Pošip i Škrlet javlja se problem visoke stope zaraženosti gospodarski važnim virusima, štoviše vrlo je mali udio zdravih trsova – kod nekih kultivara nisu niti pronađeni. Upravo se zbog toga javila potreba za ozdravljenjem od virusa te proizvodnjom certificiranog sadnog materijala. Kako bi se spriječilo širenje virusa primjenjuje se metoda kulture tkiva in vitro koja se smatra jedinom djelotvornom tehnikom dobivanja populacije biljaka oslobođenih od virusa. Najzastupljeniji virusi vinove loze u Hrvatskoj su oni koji uzrokuju bolest uvijanja lista (GLRaV1 i GLRaV3) te virusi koji uzrokuju bolest lepezastog lista (GFLV).
U istraživanju su uključeni zdravi genotipovi sorata Plavac mali, Maraština, Pošip i Škrlet te genotipovi zaraženi virusima GLRaV1, GLRaV3, GLRaV1 + GLRaV3 i GFLV. Primjenjena je tehnika mikropropagacije nodijskih odsječaka u kojoj su izolirani pupovi s komadićem pripadajuće stabljike posađeni na hranjivi medij ½ MS te su dva i četiri tjedna nakon sadnje provedena opažanja i mjerenja.
Hranjivi medij ½ MS pokazo se pogodnim za in vitro uzgoj sorata Plavac mali, Maraština, Pošip i Škrlet kada je riječ o omjeru inokuliranih nodijskih odsječaka i broja potjeralih biljčica. Najveći postotak primitka početne kulture zabilježen je kod sorte Maraština, dok je najmanji postotak primitka početne kulture sorte Plavac mali. Najveći uspjeh rasta zabilježen je kod sorte Plavac mali, a najmanji uspjeh rasta kod sorte Pošip, te je najveći broj novonastalih nodija zabilježen kod sorte Plavac mali, a najmanji broj kod sorte Pošip.
Abstract (english) Autochthonous cultivars Plavac mali, Maraština, Pošip i Škrlet are of economical importance of Croatian viticulture but up to this time they have been neglected in viticulture production. In the last decade there has been an increased interest in preserving the autochthonous cultivars so the process of economical revitalization had been started. In cultivars Plavac mali, Maraština, Pošip i Škrlet is recorded high rate of virus infection, yet there is a low number of healthy vines – in some cultivares the healthy vines have not been found. Therefore the need for recovery from virus infections and production of healthy plant material have occurred.
To stop the spread of virus infection the tissue culture in vitro is applied and it is considered most efficient technique of obtaining virus free plant material. In Croatian cultivars there is an infestation of GLRaV1, 3(Grapevine leafroll associated virus) which cause leafroll and GFLV(Grapevine fanleaf virus) which causes fanleaf in grapevine.
The research includes healthy genotypes of cultivares Plavac mali, Maraština, Pošip i Škrlet and genotypes infected with GLRaV1, 3 and GFLV. The technique of micropropagation of nodal segments is applied which means the nodal segments have been inoculated on culture media ½ MS . Two and four weeks after the inoculation the observation and measuring were performed. Two weeks after an inoculation the culture establishment was observed – the rate of inoculated nodal segments in relation to appearing of plantlets, and four weeks after the inoculation the measuring of was performed: the length of appearing plantlets and number of nodes.
The culture media ½ MS showed good results for in vitro growth of cultivares Plavac mali, Maraština, Pošip i Škrlet. The best success in culture establishment reached the cultivares Plavac mali i Pošip and lower the cultivares Maraština i Škrlet. Plavac mali has achieved the highest length and number of nodes, the lowest length achieved Pošip, and Maraština and Škrlet have achieved the smallest number of nodes.
autohtone sorte
virusi vinove loze
certificirani sadni materijal
in vitro
nodijski odsječak
Murashige i Skoog hranjiva podloga
Keywords (english)
Autochthonous cultivars
Grapevine viruses
healthy plant material
in vitro
nodal segment
Murashige and Skoog culture media
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:473014
Study programme Title: Horticulture Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka hortikulture (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka hortikulture)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2016-12-15 07:28:55