Title Populacija trčaka (Carabidae) u voćnjaku jabuke sa zaštitnim mrežama
Title (english) Population carabide beetles (Carabidae) in apple orchards with protective nets
Author Jelena Cvitković
Mentor Božena Barić (mentor)
Committee member Božena Barić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Renata Bažok (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Jemrić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Agricultural Zoology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-11-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Intenzivna uporaba sredstava za zaštitu bilja, posebice u voćarstvu izazvala je nepoželjne posljedice kao što je pojava rezistentnosti, zagađenje okoliša kemijskim tvarima, preveliki ostaci sredstava za zaštitu bilja u hrani itd. Integrirana zaštita bilja javila se kao alternativa isključivo kemijskom načinu suzbijanja štetnih organizama, a uključuje agrotehničke, biološke, biotehničke i naposljetku kemijske mjere zaštite s ciljem ekološki i ekonomski povoljnijom proizvodnjom i samim time očuvanjem okoliša i zdravlja ljudi. Kao jedna od mjera zaštite voćaka od štetnika su zaštitne mreže koje sprječavaju ulazak štetnika. Međutim, zaštitne mreže mogu spriječiti i ulazak korisne entomofaune. Trčci su važan dio agroekosustava, jedna su od najbrojnijih i taksonomskih najraznolikijih skupina člankonožaca. Mnoge su vrste trčaka predatori drugih kukaca. Cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi mogu li zaštitne mreže imati negativan utjecaj na trčke, kao većinu korisne entomofaune. Istraživanje je provedeno 2015. godine u voćnjaku jabuke, na sorti Braeburn, u mjestu Trški vrh koje se nalazi u Krapinsko - zagorskoj županiji. Prikupljanje trčaka je obavljeno pomoću epigejskih lovki (Barberove posude) koje su namijenjenje za prikupljanje nadzemne entomofaune. Postavljeno je 15 lovki od kojih su 3 označavale kontrolu u dijelu voćnjaka bez mreže i ostalih 12 je raspoređeno u 3 ponavljanja ispod 4 tipa različitih mreža postavljenih u voćnjaku (Agritenax bijela, crvena i žuta, te posebna bijela mreža s gustim okcima). Trčci su prikupljani od srpnja do listopada. Ukupno je ulovljeno 19 vrsta trčaka, odnosno 1559 jedinki od kojih je 1376 jedinki (18 vrsta) prikupljeno ispod zaštitnih mreža, a 183 jedinke (15 vrsta) na kontroli. Najbrojnije vrste u istraživanju su bile Pterostichus (Feronidius) melas melas (998 jedinki) i Carabus (Oreocarabus) glabratus (196 jedinki), te su klasicifirane kao eudominantne vrste. Prema učestalosti Pterostichus (Feronidius) melas je konstantna vrsta (61,78%), Carabus (Oreocarabus) glabratus (40,44%) akcesorna vrsta, dok su ostale vrste akcidentalne.
Abstract (english) The intensive use of pesticides, especially in fruit growing has caused adverse effects such as the emergence of resistance, environmental pollution by chemical substances, large residue of pesticides in food and so on. Integrated Pest Management emerged as an alternative to purely chemical means of pest control and includes agro-technical, biological, biotechnical and eventually chemical protection measures with the aim of ecologically and economically favorable production and thus safeguard the environment and human health. As one of the measures to protect fruit trees from pests are protective nets that prevent the entry of pests. However, protective nets can also prevent the entry of useful entomofauna. The ground beetles are an important part of the ecosystem, are one of the largest and most diverse taxonomic groups of arthropods. Many types of ground beetles are predators of other insects. The aim of the research was to determine whether protective nets have a negative impact on ground beetles, as most useful entomofauna.The survey was conducted in 2015 in the apple orchards, on Braeburn varietet, in Trški vrh located in Krapina - Zagorje region. The collection of ground beetles is carried out using epigean traps (Barber containers) which are intended to gather overhead entomofauna. There were 15 traps, of which 3 were marked the control traps in orchard without protective nets and the other 12 were arranged in three repetitions below 4 types of different nets set up in the orchard (Agritenx white, red and yellow, and special white net with dense mesh). The ground beetles were collected from July to October. Total of 19 species of ground beetles were caught, or 1559 individuals, of which 1376 individuals (18 species) were collected under the nets and 183 individuals (15 species) on control traps. The most abundant species in the study were Pterostichus (Feronidius) melas melas (998 individuals) and Carabus (Oreocarabus) glabratus (196 individuals), and classified as eudominant types. According to the frequency of Pterostichus (Feronidius) melas is constant species (61,78%), Carabus (Oreocarabus) glabratus (40,44%) accessory species, while other species are accidental.
zaštitne mreže
Keywords (english)
protective nets
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:596034
Study programme Title: Phytomedicine Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka fitomedicine (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka fitomedicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-01-16 12:45:24