Title Krajobrazno i urbanističko uređenje obale Murterskih škoja, otok Murter
Author Željka Butković
Mentor Petra Pereković (mentor)
Committee member Petra Pereković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Branka Aničić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Stanko Stergaršek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Ornamental Plants, Landscape Architecture and Garden Art) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy Landscape Architecture
Abstract Tema ovoga rada proizašla je iz višegodišnjeg promatranja prostornih i krajobraznih karakteristika otoka Murtera i to posebice trenutnog stanja obale Murterskih škoja u naselju Murter koja, s jedne strane, čini izraziti potencijal u prostornom smislu, a s druge strane, mnogo je čimbenika koji taj potencijal smanjuju. Općenito, naselje Murter je otočno mjesto u kojemu je prostorna i pješačka gravitacija usmjerena prema obali odnosno rivi, dok je istovremeno dugi niz godina taj prostor uvelike podređen automobilskom prometu. Takvom organizacijom, prostoru je nametnuta svojevrsna tranzitna uloga velikog dijela obale koja danas predstavlja pretežno mjesto prolaska (tranzita) i velikim dijelom parkirališno prometni prostor. Umjesto toga, trebala bi postati mjesto ugode i boravka namijenjenog korisnicima glavnog, otvorenog prostora naselja te funkcijama i karakteristikama koje bi takvi prostori trebali nositi u slici i javnom životu grada.U prvom djelu ovog rada proučavane su prostorne i povijesne okolnosti koje su uvjetovale razvoj i današnju namjenu te karakteristike obale. Dodatno, analizirano je današnje stanje prostora u smislu potreba stanovnika odnosno korisnika prostora kao osnovni alat za određivanje smjernica za daljnji razvoj obalnog dijela Murtera. Drugi dio rada posvećen je detaljnim inventarizacijama i analizama šireg i užeg područja s ciljem utvrđivanja postojećeg stanja i određivanja utjecaja te vrednovanja prostornih odnosa i sadržaja na planiranom prostoru obuhvata. Inventarizacije i analize rađene su na široj i užoj granici obuhvata, kao i na samoj lokaciji. S obzirom na karakteristike i potrebe u širem i užem prostornom kontekstu,utvrđeni su prostorni potencijali i ograničenja kao i potencijalne namjene, smjernice za preuređenje i poboljšanje cjelokupnog promatranog područja.U posljednjem dijelu rada razvijeno je nekoliko konceptualna rješenja koja se na različiti način suočavaju s navedenim prostornim i društvenim problemima, od kojih je odabrano ono rješenje koje je oblikovno i funkcionalno najpogodnije za odabrani prostor ikoje omogućava transformaciju prostora u prepoznatljivi centar otočnog mjesta.
Abstract (english) The subject of this work has resulted from many years of observations of space and landscape characteristic of the island of Murter and particulary the current state of the coast "Murterskihislets" in the village of Murter, that on the one hand makes potential in space terms and on the other hand, there are many factors that decreases potential. Generally, district Murter is a place in which the space and walking gravity is directed toward "coast" or the waterfront, while at the same time, for many years, that space is subordinate to car traffic. With such organization, the area was given a kind of transit role, and today is mostly a place of passage ("transit") and largely traffic parking space. Instead, it should become a place of comfort and outdoor living intended for users of the main, open space that should represent the image and public life of the city. The first part considers the spatial and historical circumstances that led to the development and the aim of the coast and present-day use and characteristics of the coast. Historical review helped analyzing the present needs of the residents and users of the area as indirect factors that determine the guidelines for further elaboration of the concept solutions. Analyzing the wider and narrower perspective and the near site contents, the potential of the area for the whole district can be recongized.The second part is dedicated to the inventory and analysis in order to determine the current situation and determining the impact on the planned space coverage. Inventory and analysis were performed on a broader and narrower border coverage, as well as on the location. Due to the characteristics and needs of the broad and narrow spatial context, the potentials and limitations of the space and potential uses of the observed area were indetified. Different conceptual solutions are offered in the last part of the work, one of which is selected solution that is dimensionally and functionally the most suitable for the selected area and that will transformed this area into a recognizable center of the island.
Obala Murterskih Škoja
trg Rudine
krajobrazno oblikovanje
Keywords (english)
Obala Murterskih Škoja
square Rudine
landscape design
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:350512
Study programme Title: Landscape Architecture Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka krajobrazne arhitekture (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka krajobrazne arhitekture)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2017-01-16 14:14:14